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Propun sa scriem news-uri care ne par mai interesante.Daca se poate la fiecare news inafara de link sa fie si titlu despre ce merge vorba in stire.Iar daca anumite fragmente din stire prezinta interes sporit, se poate de selectat si de facut paste (dar nu cred ca are sens de facut paste la intreaga stire)Iata eu incep..-------Dell, Intel give users what they want: to turn Windows offDell announced this week a new feature called Latitude On that enables the use of e-mail, Web surfing, basic personal information manager functionality and document reading -- all without booting Windows. The idea is to enable basic use without having to wait for the main operating system to boot and to extend battery life.If you use only Latitude On, battery life lasts not hours but days, according to Dell. The system is expected to hit in two months for just some of Dell's laptops. Intel introduced new technology yesterday called Remote Wake, a chip set and software development kit that enables a PC to be "awakened" over the Internet when in sleep mode.Intel worked not with software giant Microsoft, but with VoIP start-up JaJah to build Mountain View, Calif.-based company's software into the Intel chip set in some PCs. The Intel-JaJah combination will enable you to dump your land-line phone and use a PC-based VoIP phone without leaving your PC on all the time.http://tinyurl.com/57hzgn