The Anatomy of Subway Hack

Three MIT hackers found a way of breaking the CharlieCard, a smart card that the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) uses for electronic ticketing.Conference (DEFCON 16) abstract:In this talk we go over weaknesses in common subway fare collection systems. We focus on the Boston T subway, and show how we reverse engineered the data on magstripe card, we present several attacks to completely break the CharlieCard, a MIFARE Classic smartcard used in many subways around the world, and we discuss physical security problems. We will discuss practical brute force attacks using FPGAs and how to use software-radio to read RFID cards. We survey ‘human factors’ that lead to weaknesses in the system, and we present a novel new method of hacking WiFi: WARCARTING. We will release several open source tools we wrote in the process of researching these attacks. With live demos, we will demonstrate how we broke these systems.Talk slides:http://tinyurl.com/63sbxm