Quotes Forecast :: Intraday Trend Prediction

Quotes Forecast®This site is developed for persons who is in need to know the intraday situation on Forex market. Low price for our service, high quality forecast - this is what you need!We are active traders.First goal for our FX Quotes forecast agency, is to provide to our members high quality trend forecast for some major currancy pairs (in the future more pairs will be added) such as EUR/USD, GBP/USD and USD/JPY. We didn`t provide entering or exiting prices, only intraday trend forecast.With forecasts you will receive current price for 14 pairs, plus price for Gold, Silver,Platinum and Palladium.To subscribe or for additional information please go to [url]http://quotes-forecast.ucoz.com[/url]----------------------------------------------Best regards,Alexandr,Quotes Forecast, ©2008