Noutate!!! London games Festival

The London Games Festival (LGF) is a collection of independent events which run concurrently between the 22 and 26 of October. The Festival is committed to the promotion of video games as a contemporary art form by increasing awareness and accessibility to mainstream media and general public. Partnering with likeminded organisations like BAFTA, TIGA, ELSPA and Creative London. The key objective of the festival is to facilitate artistic and cultural recognition, awareness for the games industry and its products in the capital. While the ultimate goal for many publishers and developers may be to increase overall sales, the festival steers participants to towards the production of events that are more than just a ‘Sales drive’ All consumer events should be accessible to non-industry press, infrequent and non game players.The Festival offers a unique opportunity to make video games headline news.Unlike other events the purpose of the LGF is to generate media interest in video games. Like the London Film Festival or London Fashion week, the LGF will provide a cultural focus on video games for a week, ultimately increasing awareness, sales and bringing the industry up to speed with there counterparts in film, TV, fashion and design.