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revv28 Ноября 2006, 13:20
revv28 Ноября 2006, 13:20

Neil Robertson hopes that his first ranking tournament victory will inspire more Australian players to take up the game. The 24-year-old from Melbourne became the first Australian player to win a ranking tournament by beating Jamie Cope 9-5 in the final of the Royal London Watches Grand Prix.

The triumph lifted Robertson - now based in Cambridge - up five places to seventh in the world rankings.

"It's the biggest cheque of my career, but that's not the reason I play," Robertson said.

"As long as I've got enough money to pay the bills the money's not that important.

"Maybe a few younger players in Australia can start to play. We tend to be so hungry to win so we could produce quite a few good players.

“Hopefully they can see my success and try to achieve the things I'm starting to achieve.”

Robertson will now begin preparing for the next ranking tournament of the season, the UK Championship from York, beginning on December 4.

Chinese prodigy Ding Junhui won the title last year, beating resurgent veteran Steve Davis 10-6 in the final.

Eurosport - AS - 01/11/2006 15:00

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jan feraru21 Декабря 2006, 02:50
jan feraru21 Декабря 2006, 02:50

Da unde e tema cu spam?

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rander122 Декабря 2006, 02:24
rander122 Декабря 2006, 02:24
jan feraru
...Da unde e tema cu spam?...

aishi asha sheva nui aishi numa oameni inteleginetsi care vorbesc curat la tema

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dr_kasper27 Декабря 2006, 13:10
dr_kasper27 Декабря 2006, 13:10
...aishi asha sheva nui aishi numa oameni inteleginetsi...

tashi wai ... inteligentzi, despre ce vb ???

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nero22 Апреля 2007, 02:02
nero22 Апреля 2007, 02:02

iaka si-i ghini cu live-scoring

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nero22 Апреля 2007, 02:09
nero22 Апреля 2007, 02:09

Ding Junhui (nascut 1 aprilie 1987, Yixing, Jiangsu, langa Shanghai) este un jucator profesionist de Snooker, ce locuieste in Marea Britanie pe timpul sezonului regulat de snooker.

Ding a inceput sa joace snooker la varsta de noua ani. El practica acest sport cate opt ore pe zi, munca ce i-a adus in 2003 locul unu in China.

Ding s-a facut cunoscut in 2002, cand a castigat Campionatul Asiei dedicat jucatorilor sub 21 de ani, Campionatul Asiei si Campionatul Mondial ISBF Under-21. Nu a putut progresa prea mult in 2003, ambele turnee asiatice de prestigiu fiind anulate datorita prezentei virusului SARS, dar a reusit sa ajunga in semifinalele Campionatului Mondial ISBF Under-21, primind astfel o derogare pentru a putea deveni profesionist in septembrie 2003.

ooops sorry... am greshit tema :)))

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nero22 Апреля 2007, 13:54
nero22 Апреля 2007, 13:54

Graeme Dott, campionul mondial din anul precedent, a parasit cursa pentru titlul de campion mondial din anul acesta CHIAR DIN PRIMA TURA !!!

Graeme Dott comments:

That was about the worst I've ever played. I just didn't feel anything, I couldn't even get angry. I don't know why that happened.
It was probably the worst draw I could have had because Ian beat me here two years ago. I wasn't going to say that before the match because it would have given Ian a boost.
The way he plays is very frustrating. He's up and down, cleaning the white, he knows the shot he's going to play but takes ages to play it. I tried not to let it get to me, but half way through the first frame I started to get frustrated.
When it was 4-2, that was the only time in the match I felt comfortable. I was very nervous to start with. I was trying hard all the way through, but just felt there was nothing there. I just couldn't get going
I've no chance of finishing No 1 in the rankings now. I'll probably be about 6 or 7. This has spoilt what was a very good season.
There's no doubt I'll put the cue away for a few weeks. It's very unlikely I'll be watching the snooker. Not when Ian's playing anyway!

Ian McCulloch comments

Graeme's done fantastically well here but when the draw came out I wasn't that worried - I've never lost to him and I've got a good track record here.
I've had a lot of pain here in the last couple of years. Twice I was sure I was in the top 16 but got edged out. Then last year I got a kick on the last green in the final qualifying round against Dave Harold and lost 10-9. The only consolation was that I lost to one of my best mates. But those who know me realise that the knocks make me stronger.
There weren't any particular turning points today. Graeme didn't fancy winning - he said himself that it was the worst draw he could have got.
I wasn't nervous at all at the end, I said at the interval at 8-5, I feel better now than I did at the start of the day.
I like Graeme - I don't get any pleasure about beating him. You don't win this tournament if you're a muppet and he proved by winning China that it was no fluke. I feel a little sorry for him - he had so much pressure on him today and he's probably spend most of the last week talking to the press and hearing about the Curse of the Crucible which is bound to sow a few seeds of doubt.
I'm going to go home now, I'll spend three days practising and working on the exercise bike and I'll be fresh when I come back.

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nero22 Апреля 2007, 17:37
nero22 Апреля 2007, 17:37


21 Apr 2007 17:22:00

One of snooker's most prestigious amateur competitions has been re-named in Paul Hunter's honour.

In August, players will be competing for the Paul Hunter English Open, re-named in tribute to the three-times Masters champion who died from cancer last October.

There's a guaranteed prize fund of ?10,000 and for each entry received, ?5 will be donated to the Paul Hunter Foundation.

The event is hosted and sponsored by the Northern Snooker Centre in Hunter's home city of Leeds, where he spent many hours honing his skills.

John Hartley, tournament committee chairman for the English Association of Snooker and Billiards, said:"Paul's career began by entering the various EASB competitions, including winning the 1995 English Amateur Northern Section, before embarking on his professional career.

"In memory of Paul, the EASB have received permission from his family to rename the English Open.

"We hope all snooker playing friends and admirers of Paul, both professional and amateur, will be supporting the event.

"The event has been given the support of the Hunter family who have agreed to present the prizes."

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nero23 Апреля 2007, 01:45
nero23 Апреля 2007, 01:45


22 Apr 2007 18:02:00

Ronnie O'Sullivan stormed into an 8-1 lead over Ding Junhui at the Crucible to move within two frames of the last 16.

Chinese potter Ding was handed the toughest imaginable Crucible debut and two-times champion O'Sullivan has made life tough for the 20-year-old.

If Ding does exit at the first round stage he will be in good company - the likes of Steve Davis, Jimmy White, Stephen Hendry and O'Sullivan himself have all lost on their Sheffield debuts.

The Rocket looked focussed and determined as he rattled in breaks of 58, 50, 109, 60 and 63 in taking a 5-0 lead.

Ding, whose progress is being followed by a dozen Chinese journalists in the Crucible media centre as well as many millions on CCTV5 in his homeland, finally got a chance to show his talent in frame six and compiled a smooth 103.

The Northern Ireland Trophy champion looked set to win the next until he failed to escape a snooker on the final green at 69-41 and O'Sullivan cleared the table for 6-1.

The Essex player pulled away again with runs of 63, 70 and 45 to establish a commanding lead ahead of tomorrow afternoon's concluding session.

GO... GO Ronnie, GO, GO

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neko128 Апреля 2007, 18:51
neko128 Апреля 2007, 18:51
...iaka si-i ghini cu live-scoring...

aha, kruta :)

...El practica acest sport cate opt ore pe zi,...

di la 9 ani...nu i-i greatza oare inca ?

...ENGLISH OPEN TAKES HUNTER'S NAME 21 Apr 2007 17:22:00...

da fotka de-am cand ave cancer? undi ii paru lui lung?

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revv14 Июня 2007, 15:56
revv14 Июня 2007, 15:56

Alex „Hurricane” Higgins a lovit un arbitru!

Unul dintre jucatorii legendari ai snookerului, Alex Higgins (dublu campion mondial in 1972 si 1982) a fost implicat intr-un incident „contondent” in timpul unui joc demonstrativ cu Jimmy White: nervos ca arbitrul a anuntat un „fault”, Higgins l-a lovit cu pumnul!

Un martor intervievat de „Guardian” povesteste ca arbitrul Terry Riley a anuntat „fault” pentru ca Alex Higgins atinsese bila albastra. „In acel moment, Higgins l-a luat pe arbitru de git, l-a impins pe o anumita distanta si l-a lovit in stomac”.

Jocul a mai continuat 5 minute, fara arbitru, insa a fost oprit de promotorul evenimentului care a explicat spectatorilor: „Muncesc de luni de zile pentru acest meci, insa incidentul nu era prevazut in script. Insa orice s-a intimplat, Alex Higgins ramine unul dintre cei mai buni oameni pe care i-am cunoscut”.

„Sunt exagerari”, a fost singurul comentariu facut de fostul campion mondial a doua zi, in Newcastle, unde a fost prezent pentru lansarea cartii sale autobiografice „From the Eye of the Hurricane: My story”.

Alex Higgins a fost implicat de-a lungul carierei in alte citeva incidente - a fost amendat pentru a a afisat un pachet de tigari la o conferinta de presa, a refuzat un test antidoping, etc.

In autobiografia sa, dezvaluie ca Asociatia jucatorilor de biliard si snooker i-a propus la un moment dat o anumita suma „in compensatie” pentru „stressul suferit in urma acuzatiilor”, insa Higgins a refuzat oferta.

HotNews.ro, A.S., 13 iun 2007

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skivv31 Октября 2007, 20:42
skivv31 Октября 2007, 20:42

dupa kum am spoos matinka Marko Fu o kishtigat

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skivv04 Декабря 2007, 11:44
skivv04 Декабря 2007, 11:44

roketa l-o rupt pi higgins...:))))

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revv04 Декабря 2007, 11:57
revv04 Декабря 2007, 11:57
...roketa l-o rupt pi higgins...:))))...


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skivv11 Января 2008, 14:39
skivv11 Января 2008, 14:39

an fost sh pi aishi

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skivv18 Января 2008, 16:10
skivv18 Января 2008, 16:10

ap shi noutatzi s mai aud???

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revv18 Января 2008, 16:11
revv18 Января 2008, 16:11
...ap shi noutatzi s mai aud???...

кефу сы сабирешти ла сауны... да ши!? =)

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skivv21 Января 2008, 11:53
skivv21 Января 2008, 11:53
...кефу сы сабирешти ла сауны... да ши!? =)...

ei da??? shi serios???vrau sh eu

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neko110 Апреля 2008, 23:25
neko110 Апреля 2008, 23:25

de-am o fost...sh la sauny tot :)))

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skivv18 Июля 2008, 17:41
skivv18 Июля 2008, 17:41
...кефу сы сабирешти ла сауны...

сау анумиц репрезентанц????

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revv18 Июля 2008, 18:23
revv18 Июля 2008, 18:23
...сау анумиц репрезентанц????...

=))) tat )

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skivv18 Июля 2008, 19:26
skivv18 Июля 2008, 19:26

яка еу нан фост нуштю ди ши....

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revv18 Июля 2008, 19:57
revv18 Июля 2008, 19:57
...revv: "... tat ..." - яка еу нан фост нуштю ди ши.......

si ganesti nai fost? ai fost

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skivv18 Июля 2008, 20:20
skivv18 Июля 2008, 20:20
...si ganesti nai fost? ai fost...

ян ады аминти???

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skivv19 Июля 2008, 15:44
skivv19 Июля 2008, 15:44


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skivv25 Июля 2008, 12:49
skivv25 Июля 2008, 12:49


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kikiuta126 Июня 2009, 22:50
kikiuta126 Июня 2009, 22:50

De unde de cumparat masa de snooker din moldova?

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Dayr26 Июня 2009, 22:56
Dayr26 Июня 2009, 22:56
...De unde de cumparat masa de snooker din moldova?...

daca vrei una buna de nicaieri, fa comanda din UK

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kikiuta127 Июня 2009, 02:41
kikiuta127 Июня 2009, 02:41

La ce pret?

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skivv28 Июня 2009, 04:01
skivv28 Июня 2009, 04:01
...La ce pret?...


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