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Bottoms Up—or Maybe DownMODERATE DRINKING may not protectthe cardiovascular system.For the health-conscious, conflicting studies reportingthe supposed benefi ts of different foods must create confusion,if not hypertension. Now researchers have takena second look at 54 studies that seemingly document therole of moderate drinking in staving off death fromheart disease. They found that most of the investigationslumped nondrinkers with former drinkers, whomight have stopped drinking for health reasons andpulled down the average health of that group. Of sevenstudies that split the two categories, none found a protectiveeffect for alcohol. More telling, when the teamregrouped the other published data, combining drinkersand former drinkers, the positive effects evaporated.Paradoxically, physiological data suggest drinking isprobably still somewhat helpful, remarks Kaye Fillmoreof the University of California, San Francisco, co-authorof the May Addiction Research and Theory report. Tobear that out, future analyses would have to disentangledrinking history, she says. —JR Minkelеще на одну отмазку меньше, теперь можно честно пить не обманывая себя