cronograf 2006

am crezut ka va intereseaza..am aflat programul festivalului international de film documentar, am vazut multe kestii interesante akolo..vi-l prezint shi voua..poate organizam un cinema-offline cumvadeci:Marti, 30 mai18:00 Deschiderea festivalului. Concert “Night loosers” (Romania)Miercuri, 31 mai15:00 – 17:00 “My zdes”/“Here we are” (Slovacia) 60 min“Scuppered”(Noua Zelanda) 33 min“Odnajda v Rossii” (Estonia) 26 min17:20 – 19:40“Sevdah: most koji trage”/”Sevdah: the bridge that survived” (Bosnia Hertegovina) 60 min“Skela”/ “Ferry” (Serbia& Muntenegru) 8 min“Prematurely born” (Azerbaijan) 26 min“Trois femmes de Moldavie”/ “Three Women from Moldova” (Romania/Austria/Moldova) 42 min.19:45 – Premiera scurtmetrajului “Cand se stinge lumina”Joi, 1 iunie11:00 – 13:00 “ De 19 ori mama” (Romania) 25 min“Waters of tears – A journey of the Heart” (UK) 25 min“Rosenthailis – D yokan Atzami”/” Rosenthailis Self Portrait” (Israel) 57 min15:00 – 17:00“Die Geschichte vom Wassemann”/“The story of Watermann” (Germania) 56 min“The glass eye maker” (Italy) 7 min“Pescadores. La ciudad de los ojos cerrados”/”Fishermen. The city of the closed eyes” (Argentina) 53 min17:20 – 19:30 “Posle rata”/“After the war” (Serbia & Muntenegru) 47 min“My dear Muslim” (Germania) 35 min“Zavedionka”/ “As Is Their Wont” (Belarus) 20 min“Punam” (Serbia & Muntenegru) 27 min19:45 Video Laboratory for JuniorVineri, 2 iunie11:00 – 13:00“Focul de dincolo”/”Fire from Beyond” (Romania) 10 min“Kaetajad”“The Bewitchers” (Estonia) 27 min.“Plagues & Pleasures on the Salton Sea” (USA) 57 min“Rani Hindustani”/ “Indian Queen” (India) 24 min15:00 – 17:00“Pesni zakata”/ “The songs of sunset” (Kyrgystan) 10 min“Zdroj”/”Source” (Cehia) 75 min.“Zov”/ “The Call”(Serbia & Muntenegru) 28 min.17:20 – 19:00“Portrait of the artists as his muse” (Canada) 10 min“To prosopo tis Katerinas”/”Katerina’ s Face”(Grecia) 15 min“Am Seidenen Faden”/“Stroke” (Germania) 58 min19:30 – 20:30 Sectiunile: spot, videoclipSambata, 3 iunie10:00 - 13:00 TV Locale emisiuni produse de diferite studiouri locale de tv.18:00 – gala de premierene vedem akolo..anii precedentzi a fost super rupator