никто в штаты с концертами не собирается? ;)

-quote begin-Subject: grendel in trouble...spread the newsBad news from Grendel, please forward this.....this isthe second incident in the US. Few weeks ago a fan ofLeatherstrip was also arrested for wearing a "SuicideBomber" t-shit. Following a message From Jos ofGrendel :: www.grendel-base.comVery bad news: I have been in detention for the lasttwo days, trying to get into the US from Canada. I have been rejectedon the basis of apparently being a spreader/carrier of`obscene and communist political extremist` material(total bullshit) based on the following:- T-shirts: Feindflug `Volk und Armee`, Combichrist`Enjoy the Abuse`,one depicting a Kolasjnikov gun and some rockabillyshirts by Monster& Felon.- CD`s: Suicide Commando, Leaetherstrip `SuicideBombers` and twoLaibach CDs.- Lyrics sheet of Grendel. Didn`t include the bandname or titles, sothey probably thought it was speech or something.I was not even asked about these, but simply accusedright there an then of having these on me tospread/sell. All of this was for my personal use, thet-shirts had all been used previously and the CD`swere only with the corresponding booklets, oneoriginal of each, in my CD folder. Also, I didn`trealise the cold war was still going on..Can you say: Good night & good luck? As soon as theseitems were found, the border control officer made anote of these on the computer system and I believe itwas at this point I was already blacklisted. Then camebeing accused of being a `fulltime professionalmusician` (also bullshit - based on the amount ofalbums released) and trying to enter the US without awork permit. I was not carrying any gear ormerchandise with me, as that was given to someone elseby car to avoidall of this. Even then, they got me. Reason for thisbeing them searching my CD`s and looking up thewebsites on them, such as on the copies of two Grendelreleases I had with me in my CD folder/booklet. Theyfound the picture of myself and the tour data. So thatwas the end of that.Now I have been blacklisted for at least a year,meaning I cannot enter the US without requesting awork permit (costs around $3000). Tried it by planeand by train and have been in custody for a total of16 hrs or more. Right now I`m in Montreal trying tofigure out how to get back to Europe before April 7th,or else there`ll be a warant put on my name here.Total hell. Then there`s covering the losses of thistour, which will definitely not be easy. Then comesMarc`s ordeal: When I was pulled aside and searched,he repeatedly requested to get permission to turn backin the hallway and wait for me, which was rudelyrejected. After trying this a couple of times, a copproceeded to follow his every move. Now he is stuck inPhiladelphia with the same situation of finding a wayto get back to Los Angeles.So because of this the whole US part of the tour issadly cancelled. Very distressed and totallydevastated about this and hope you all understand thesituation. My sincerest apologies to everyone, eventhough this is not our fault, and hope to be able toreturn to the US as soon as possible. We will do ourvery best to make it up to you guys!To all the bands wanting to enter the US: Geteverything, apart from some plain clothes &toiletries, shipped there before going or get agreencard/visa! It`s not worth trying otherwise. Theywill fuck you over. And, last but not least, a hugethank you to the people here in Canada and in the USwho have given support and sympathy during this wholeordeal. Seriously would have been in even deeperproblems without you. Big time gratitude to you guysand owe you one! Thanks a million!-end of quote-