Masters in Education

Greetings from Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM)!MSUM is committed to diversity. We have actively recruited from abroad range of students in the United States and we want to become theuniversity of choice for international students. MSUM's internationalpopulation has grown steadily since 1997. We now have some 240international students on campus. A diversity of languages, cultures,customs, and perspectives will enrich the educational experience ofall MSUM students.The MSUM's program - Master of Science (MS) in EducationalAdministration - prepares educational leaders for positions as schooldirectors, professional education staff positions, and senioradministrative positions. We have recently added a specialization inEducational Technology. This specialization prepares graduates to makeinformed decisions about the use of technology in education, to usetechnology in educational planning and teaching, to teach withtechnology. The MS degree program is also excellent preparation foradvancement to a doctoral program.The MS in Educational Administration program has proven to be verypopular in the US and abroad. We are currently discussing thepossibility of bringing the program to universities in Russia and inMexico. These programs would combine on-site and distance educationthus students could complete the degree without having to leave homeor leave their jobs.As to tuition issue, since cost is always a concern for students andtheir families, MSUM is one of the lower cost universities in Americathanks to strong financial support provided by the state of Minnesota.In addition, all students pay in-state tuition rates regardless oftheir home state or country. This means students can save more than$4,000 per year. This is a savings of more than $16,000 over fouryears. Low costs should not be read as low quality. We are a fullyaccredited institution. Take a closer look at MSUM by visitingwww.mnstate.edu/admissions/. You can learn more about the requirementsfor international students by visiting www.mnstate.edu/intl/CONTACT:Michael D. ParsonsDean, College of Education and Human ServicesMSUMe-mail: parsons@mnstate.eduweb: www.mnstate.edu