Google chineza este cenzurata de guvernul chinez

"Google "Dalai Lama" in English and you get his website.Google "Dalai Lama" in Chinese and you get Chinese government sites that attack the Dalai Lama.What's happening? Why is Google suddenly playing politics?In order to get a bite of the big Chinese pie, and put its servers in China, Google is bowing down to the Chinese government's version of the truth. It is allowing itself to be censored by the Chinese government in China. It has become part of the Chinese propaganda machine. It has sold its search function to the Chinese government as a propaganda engine for no price except the price of access.Google has become a political tool in the hands of the Chinese overlords. It is playing political footsie with an oppressive, authoritarian regime.It has gone against its own professed beliefs. It has broken its motto, "Don't do evil."Google stands revealed as an immoral enterprise.To Google, money is more important than ethics. Greed triumphs over truth.The abject presentation of their butts to the Chinese government by Western companies shows us what cowards Western businessmen are. Devoid of morality. They will sell their children for a buck.Google follows Yahoo in this regard, who gave the Chinese government the Internet address of an anonymous critic; the man was duly prosecuted and is now sitting in jail for 10 years.Yahoo and Google: turncoats. Quislings. Betrayers of the truth -- and of Western Civilization.Lenin's remark springs to mind, that capitalism would sell its enemies the rope to hang itself with.It's like Bush defending Western values by torturing people.Is it too late to insist that corporations, if they can operate as independent legal entities, should also operate as moral agents -- and not be psychopaths?Why should our economic system create entities that act immorally? What is wrong with our economic system that we can create these entities?What Google is doing is a crime against humanity. Sergey Brin and Larry Page have sold their souls for gain. This wonderful company sees nothing wrong about being a propaganda tool.Sergey and Larry are cowards. Devoid of principle. Hypocrites. Evil doers. Their mothers, I hope, are ashamed of them."http://blogcritics.org/archives/2006/01/26/002436.phpAici puteti vedea cuma arata unele rezultate pe google.com si pe google.cnhttp://blog.outer-court.com/censored/