вокалист Anal Cunt был на грани смерти

в 2004 году тотально не везет мясным грайндовым командам.то пропал в Таиланде вокалист NASUM, то вот такая новость - правда, ей около месяца, но тем не менее..According to a posting at the official web site of Seth Putnam, the ANAL CUNT frontman has been hospitalized in a coma. "Further rumors and speculation as to his condition at this point, are just that, rumors and speculation ? no one, not even the doctors are certain of what Seth's outcome will be," the posting adds. "Family members thank all of the fans who have expressed their sympathy for Seth's situation, and ask that you respect their privacy at this time. They have promised to update me with any new information." ну и облегчениеfor anyone who hasn?t heard, i had a seizure, which caused me to go into a coma for like two months. i am currently at a rehabilitation hospital trying to get better. i guess my coma was really bad ? i almost died, and when i survived the doctors wanted to pull the plug on me because they thought i was going to be a vegetable for the rest of my life. i also had really bad pneumonia and i had to be put on dialysis for kidney failure. i overcame all that shit, though, and i am totally fine again mentally. the only problem is i can?t walk or use my hands properly, but i am working on all that and coming along well. so, i am here at the hospital watching gay t.v. shows all day, eating horrible hospital food, trying to scratch myself in places I can?t reach, and taking as many pain killers as possible. hopefully i will be out of here in a couple of months. Seth Putnamзамечательнейшая душевная команда!долгих лет жизни и творческих успехов, а также неиссякаемых тем для лирики