... the two leading OS technologies will be Linux and Windows
,,,,"On ITManagerJournal's question about how Microsoft is going to compete with the 50% Linux sales on new servers, Gates replied that "my numbers are different, depending where you are getting them". He also said that MS has seen many other competitors, including IBM & OS/2, Borland, Apple etc and have survived them all, and he doesn't see something different with this competitor. He did say though that "fast forward 10 years, the two leading OS technologies will be Linux and Windows" hinting that most others (Sun, Mac?) will be eclipsed from the main business scene."...http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=8448Temporara batalie intre Windows si Linux...Go Go Go Linux :-)
Fast Forward 10 years - ce optimist Gaytes - el crede ca Microsoft va ruli inca 10 ani
As to how Microsoft is going to beat Linux according to Gates, it seems to be via its software's value, rather than the price. Bill Gates is trying to create software that needs little maintainance and little support. By doing so, he hopes to cut down the number of IT administrators needed on companies (a good admin costs overall up to $200,000 per year for a given company here in the Bay Area, for example). On the other hand, Linux rivals (e.g. Red Hat) are making money primarily by support calls and require capable administrators. Gates hopes to elliminate this need.
sper ca asta sa nu se intimple ca raminem toti fara chilotz.
din fericire totusi admini tot timpul o sa fie, cu orice os. macar din considerentul hardware-ului - nimic nu e vesnic. denumirea doar de poate sa fie schimbata.
/me asteapta frigidere sub SO Windows ;) Eaka cind se va putea de avut bere4free ;o)
Anul 2020.. Ora 11 de noapte.. Se aude cum usa de la frigider se inchide si deschide.. Fetitza cu usuletzul de plush stea si se uita la umbra care venea din bucatarie.. Isi aduce aminte cum anul trecut profesoarea sa de romana a fost inghitzit de catre frigiderul DoSSuit de un bot-net de frigidere hakanite de baitzalu care a fost pus in coltz dupa ce a intirziat la lectii care apoi a fost alungat din clasa..
Hmm.. Nu shi m-o gliucit.. Eaka amu Sun face nu sttiu ce cu open-source.. Cit depsre W$.. Sa vedem ce fel mutant va fi Longhorn..