No Microsoft reports: police

Compania M$ continua sa penalizeze pe cei ce nu utilizeaza produsele M$die si M$office pe cale legala:No Microsoft reports: policeBy Liam WalshSeptember 13, 2004INTERNATIONAL software giant Microsoft has never referred to police any successful Australian civil copyright cases brought by the company against retailers for selling computers loaded with pirated software.The US-based colossus founded by Bill Gates also failed to clarify whether people who inadvertently bought such systems were entitled to product support. Microsoft was recently awarded almost $590,000 under the Copyright Act after a civil court case which was told computers loaded with about 770 unlicensed copies of software including Windows 98 and Office 97 had been sold. The Brisbane Federal Court action, resolved this month, was brought against Ezy Loans Pty Ltd, trading as Harmony Telecommunications and Business Equipment, and its director Earl Seymour Davis. One Harmony worker said "he often heard Mr Davis talking on the phone to customers and promising to load Windows 98 and Office 97 on computers".