Cu mare placere afisez codul programului special pentru adri_m
and sp,[bx+di] das bound bp,[bx+di+0x6e] das jnc 0x71 or ah,[bp+di] or ah,[bp+di] and [si+0x68],dl and [gs:bp+di+0x6f],ah outsb jz 0x7c outsb jz 0x8d and [bx+0x66],ch and [si+0x68],dh imul si,[bp+di+0x20],word 0x6966 insb and [gs:bx+di+0x72],ah and [gs:bp+di+0x75],dh bound bp,[bp+si+0x65] arpl [si+0x20],si jz 0xa5 and [si+0x68],dh and [gs:bp+0x65],cl jz 0xb2 arpl [bx+di+0x70],sp and [gs:bx+si+0x75],dl bound bp,[si+0x69] arpl [bp+si],cx and sp,[bx+si] dec sp imul sp,[bp+di+0x65],word 0x736e and [gs:bp+0x65],dl jc 0xcc imul bp,[bx+0x6e],word 0x3120 xor [cs:bx+si],sp sub [si+0x68],dh and [gs:bp+si],ah dec sp imul sp,[bp+di+0x65],word 0x736e and ch,[gs:bx+di] cmp sp,[bx+si] jns 0xe3 jnz 0x96 insw popa jns 0x9a outsb outsw jz 0x9e jnz 0xf3 and [gs:si+0x68],dh imul si,[bp+di+0x20],word 0x6966 insb or ah,[gs:bp+di] and [di+0x78],ah arpl [di+0x70],sp jz 0xb5 imul bp,[bp+0x20],word 0x6f63 insw jo 0x109 imul sp,[bx+di+0x6e],word 0x6563 and [bx+0x69],dh jz 0x10f and [si+0x68],dh and [gs:si+0x69],cl arpl [di+0x6e],sp jnc 0x118 and [cs:bx+di+0x6f],bl jnz 0xd9 insw popa jns 0xdd outsw bound si,[si+0x61] imul bp,[bp+0x20],word 0x2061 arpl [bx+0x70],bp jns 0xeb outsw o32 or ah,[bp+di] and [si+0x68],dh and [gs:si+0x69],cl arpl [di+0x6e],sp jnc 0x140 and [bx+di+0x74],ah and [bx+si+0x74],ch jz 0x153 cmp ch,[bx] das ja 0x15f ja 0x118 insw outsw jpe 0x157 insb insb popa cs outsw jc 0x15c das dec si push ax dec sp das or ah,[bp+di] or ah,[bp+di] and [bp+di+0x6f],dl o32 jz 0x17b popa jc 0x16c and [si+0x69],ah jnc 0x180 jc 0x177 bound si,[di+0x74] and [fs:di+0x6e],dh gs jc 0x13a jz 0x184 and [gs:si+0x69],cl arpl [di+0x6e],sp jnc 0x18a and [bx+di+0x73],ch and [si+0x69],ah jnc 0x1a1 jc 0x198 bound si,[di+0x74] and [fs:bx+0x6e],ch and [bx+di+0x6e],ah and [bp+si],ah inc cx push bx or ah,[bp+di] and [bx+di+0x53],cl and ah,[bx+si] bound sp,[bx+di+0x73] imul si,[bp+di+0x2c],word 0x5720 dec cx push sp dec ax dec di push bp push sp and [bx+0x41],dl push dx push dx inc cx dec si push sp pop cx and [bx+0x46],cl and [bx+di+0x4e],al pop cx and [bp+di+0x49],cl dec si inc sp sub al,0x20 imul si,[gs:si+0x68],word 0x7265 and [di+0x78],ah jo 0x1e7 gs jnc 0x1eb and [bx+0x72],ch or ah,[bp+di] and [bx+di+0x6d],ch jo 0x1ee imul sp,[di+0x64],word 0x202e push bx and [gs:si+0x68],dh and [gs:si+0x69],cl arpl [di+0x6e],sp jnc 0x1fb and [bp+0x6f],ah jc 0x1bb jz 0x205 and [gs:bp+di+0x70],dh arpl [gs:bx+di+0x66],bp imul sp,[bp+di+0x20],word 0x616c outsb a32 jnz 0x20f and [gs:edi+0x6f],ah jna 0x21a jc 0x225 imul bp,[bp+0x67],word 0x230a and [bp+si+0x69],dh a32 push word 0x7374 and [bx+di+0x6e],ah and [fs:si+0x69],ch insw imul si,[si+0x61],word 0x6974 outsw outsb jnc 0x1f4 jnz 0x244 gs jc 0x1fa jz 0x244 and [gs:si+0x69],cl arpl [di+0x6e],sp jnc 0x24a or ah,[cs:bp+di] or ah,[bp+di] and [si+0x68],dl and [gs:bx+0x72],cl imul sp,[bx+0x69],word 0x616e insb and [bp+di+0x6f],al and [gs:bx+di+0x73],ch and [di+0x6f],ch jpe 0x26d insb insb popa cs outsw jc 0x272 and [bp+di+0x6f],ah or ah,[cs:bp+di] or ah,[bp+di] and [si+0x68],dl and [gs:bx+di+0x6e],cl imul si,[si+0x69],word 0x6c61 and [si+0x65],al jna 0x28b insb outsw jo 0x28f jc 0x24c outsw o32 and [si+0x68],dh and [gs:bx+0x72],cl imul sp,[bx+0x69],word 0x616e insb and [bp+di+0x6f],al and [gs:bx+di+0x73],ch and [bp+0x65],cl jz 0x2bb arpl [bx+di+0x70],sp or ah,[gs:bp+di] and [bp+di+0x6f],al insw insw jnz 0x2c3 imul sp,[bp+di+0x61],word 0x6974 outsw outsb jnc 0x27e inc bx outsw jc 0x2d2 outsw jc 0x2c6 jz 0x2d0 outsw outsb and [cs:bx+si],ah push ax outsw jc 0x2e4 imul bp,[bx+0x6e],word 0x2073 arpl [bp+si+0x65],si popa jz 0x2e0 and [fs:bp+si+0x79],ah and [bp+0x65],cl jz 0x2f7 arpl [bx+di+0x70],sp and [gs:bx+di+0x72],ah or ah,[gs:bp+di] and [bp+di+0x6f],al jo 0x30c jc 0x2fe a32 push word 0x2074 sub [bp+di+0x29],al and [bx+di],dh cmp [bx+di],di cmp [bx+si],ah dec si gs jz 0x319 arpl [bx+di+0x70],sp and [gs:bp+di+0x6f],al insw insw jnz 0x31f imul sp,[bp+di+0x61],word 0x6974 outsw outsb jnc 0x2da inc bx outsw jc 0x32e outsw jc 0x322 jz 0x32c outsw outsb and [cs:bx+di+0x6c],al insb or ah,[bp+di] and [bp+si+0x69],dl a32 push word 0x7374 and [bp+si+0x65],dl jnc 0x33d jc 0x350 or ah,[cs:bp+di] or ah,[bp+di] and [bp+di+0x6f],al outsb jz 0x359 imul sp,[bp+si+0x75],word 0x6f74 jc 0x316 jnc 0x319 cmp ah,[bx+si] or ah,[bp+di] and [bx+si],ah and [bx+si],ah push di outsw insb a32 popad outsb and [edx+0x6f],dl jnc 0x36a outsb popa jnz 0x36e jc 0x32b cmp al,0x77 outsw insb a32 popad outsb cs a32 jc 0x386 jnc 0x37e outsb popa jnz 0x382 jc 0x35f jnc 0x396 jnc 0x388 arpl [cs:bx+0x6d],bp or ah,[ds:bp+di] or cl,[bp+si] and sp,[bp+di] and [bp+si],cl and sp,[bp+di] and [di+0x73],dl popa cmp cl,[gs:edx] and sp,[bp+di] or ah,[bp+di] and sp,[bx+si] and al,0x20 insw outsw jpe 0x3af insb insb popa or ah,[bp+di] and cx,[bp+si] and sp,[bp+di] and [si+0x68],dl imul si,[bp+di+0x20],word 0x6373 jc 0x3c2 jo 0x3cf and [bx+di+0x73],ch and [di+0x65],ch popa outsb jz 0x385 jz 0x3d6 and [bp+si+0x75],dh outsb and [bx+di+0x20],ah insw outsw jpe 0x3db insb insb popa and [bx+si+0x72],dh outsw a32 jc 0x3dd insw and [bp+0x72],ah outsw insw and [si+0x68],dh and [gs:di+0x6f],ch jpe 0x3f4 insb insb popa or ah,[bp+di] and sp,[bx+si] jc 0x404 insw and [bx+di+0x6e],ch jnc 0x40e popa insb insb popa jz 0x409 outsw outsb or ah,[cs:bp+di] and cx,[bp+si] and sp,[bp+di] and [si+0x68],dl and [gs:bp+di+0x63],dh jc 0x41b jo 0x428 and [bx+0x69],dh insb insb and [bp+di+0x65],dh jz 0x433 jo 0x3e0 popa insb insb and [si+0x68],dh and [gs:di+0x6e],ah jna 0x435 jc 0x43d outsb insw gs outsb jz 0x3f4 jna 0x445 outsw fs outsw outsw and [bp+0x65],ch and [fs:si+0x6f],dh and [di+0x61],ch imul sp,[di+0xa],byte +0x23 and sp,[bx+si] insw outsw jpe 0x45a insb insb popa and [bx+0x6f],dh jc 0x464 or cl,[cs:bp+si] arpl [di+0x64],bp outsb popa insw gs cmp ax,0x6260 popa jnc 0x46e outsb popa insw and [gs:si],ah xor [bx+si+0xa],ah or ah,[bp+di] and sp,[bx+si] fs outsw outsb daa jz 0x43c insb gs popa jna 0x486 and [bx+di+0x6e],ah jns 0x446 arpl [bx+0x72],bp and [gs:bp+0x69],ah insb gs jnc 0x451 popa jc 0x4a3 jnz 0x4a4 or dh,[fs:di+0x6c] imul bp,[di+0x69],word 0x2074 sub ax,0x2063 xor [bp+si],cl or ah,[bp+di] and cx,[bp+si] and sp,[bp+di] and [bp+0x61],dl jc 0x4b8 popa bound bp,[si+0x65] jnc 0x45f and sp,[bp+di] or cl,[di+0x4f] pop dx pop di inc sp dec cx push bx push sp pop di inc dx dec cx dec si cmp ax,0x2f22 outsw jo 0x4de das insw outsw jpe 0x4d8 insb insb popa and cl,[bp+si] dec bp dec di pop dx pop di inc sp dec cx push bx push sp pop di dec sp dec cx inc dx cmp ax,0x2f22 outsw jo 0x4fa das insw outsw jpe 0x4f4 insb insb popa das insb imul sp,[bp+si+0x22],word 0x4d0a dec di pop dx pop di inc cx push ax push ax dec si inc cx dec bp inc bp cmp ax,0x6d22 outsw jpe 0x50e insb insb popa and cl,[bp+si] dec bp dec di pop dx pop di push ax push dx dec di inc si dec cx dec sp inc bp cmp ax,0x2e22 insw outsw jpe 0x525 insb insb popa and cl,[bp+si] dec bp dec di pop dx pop di push ax push dx dec di inc di push dx inc cx dec bp cmp ax,0x2422 dec bp dec di pop dx pop di inc sp dec cx push bx push sp pop di dec sp dec cx inc dx das and al,0x4d dec di pop dx pop di inc cx push ax push ax dec si inc cx dec bp inc bp sub ax,0x6962 outsb and cl,[bp+si] dec bp dec di pop dx pop di inc bx dec sp dec cx inc bp dec si push sp pop di push ax push dx dec di inc di push dx inc cx dec bp cmp ax,0x2422 dec bp dec di pop dx pop di inc sp dec cx push bx push sp pop di dec sp dec cx inc dx das insw outsw jpe 0x57d insb insb popa sub ax,0x7278 gs insw outsw jz 0x584 sub ax,0x6c63 imul sp,[di+0x6e],word 0x2074 sub ax,0x2061 and al,0x4d dec di pop dx pop di inc cx push ax push ax dec si inc cx dec bp inc bp and cl,[bp+si] or ah,[bp+di] and [bp+di+0x65],dh jz 0x55f push sp inc bp dec bp push ax and [di+0x78],ah jo 0x5b4 imul sp,[bp+di+0x69],word 0x6574 insb jns 0x570 jz 0x5c1 and [si],ah dec ax dec di dec bp inc bp and [bx+si],ch and [cs:esi+0x6f],ah jc 0x583 popa arpl [bp+si+0x6f],si jc 0x5ce popa sub [fs:bp+si],cx and sp,[di+0x78] jo 0x5e1 jc 0x5e8 and [si+0x45],dl dec bp push ax cmp ax,0x4824 dec di dec bp inc bp or cl,[bp+si] and sp,[bx+si] gs outsb imul sp,[bx+0x6d],word 0x6961 insb and [bp+di+0x68],dh outsw jnz 0x5fd and [fs:bx+si+0x6f],ch outsb outsw jc 0x5b9 gs outsb jna 0x5a7 gs js 0x610 outsw jc 0x617 and [di+0x4e],al dec cx inc di dec bp inc cx dec cx dec sp pop di push ax inc cx push bx push bx pop di inc bp dec si push si cmp ax,0x7468 jz 0x62a pop di jo 0x62f outsw js 0x639 or cl,[bp+si] and sp,[bx+si] arpl [bx+0x6e],bp imul esp,[bx+0x75],dword 0x70206572 jc 0x63a outsb jz 0x639 jc 0x649 or ch,[bx+di+0x66] and [bp+di+0x20],bl sub ax,0x207a and ah,[si] dec bp dec di pop dx dec cx dec sp dec sp inc cx pop di push ax dec di push bx push sp push bx inc bx push dx dec cx push ax push sp pop di push ax push dx dec cx dec si push sp inc bp push dx pop di dec sp dec cx push bx push sp and ah,[bx+si] pop bp cmp sp,[bx+si] jz 0x66f gs outsb or ah,[bx+si] and [si+0x65],dh jnc 0x684 and [di],ch js 0x634 das jnz 0x68a jc 0x648 bound bp,[bx+di+0x6e] das insb jo 0x693 jz 0x683 jz 0x644 and [es:si+0xa],bl and [bx+si],ah and [bx+si],ah das jnz 0x6a3 jc 0x661 bound bp,[bx+di+0x6e] das insb jo 0x6ac jz 0x69c jz 0x65d sub ax,0x2068 insb outsw arpl [bx+di+0x6c],sp push word 0x736f jz 0x66a ds das gs jna 0x67f outsb jnz 0x6bf insb and [bp+si],dh xor [es:bx+si],sp and [es:si+0xa],bl and [bx+si],ah and [bx+si],ah gs js 0x6d6 outsw jc 0x6dd and [di+0x4f],cl pop dx dec cx dec sp dec sp inc cx pop di push ax dec di push bx push sp push bx inc bx push dx dec cx push ax push sp pop di push ax push dx dec cx dec si push sp inc bp push dx pop di dec sp dec cx push bx push sp cmp ax,0x6422 gs popad jnz 0x6fd jz 0x6b3 and al,0x28 and [si+0xa],bl and [bx+si],ah and [bx+si],ah and [bx+si],ah and [bx+si],ah and [bx+si],ah insb jo 0x718 jz 0x708 jz 0x6c9 sub ax,0x2070 jl 0x6ce arpl [di+0x74],si and [di],ch and [fs:bx],ah and [bx],ah and [di],ch o32 and [bp+si],dh and [si+0x20],bh jz 0x734 and [bx],ah pop sp outsb daa and [bx],ah and [bx],ah and [bx+di],ch and cl,[bp+si] imul ecx,[bp+si],dword 0x4d20230a dec di pop dx pop di dec si inc bp push di push bp push dx dec sp and [bp+di+0x61],ah outsb and [bp+si+0x65],ah and [bp+si],cl and sp,[bx+si] and [bx+0x76],ch gs jc 0x767 jc 0x75b jz 0x759 and [bx+si],ah and [bp+0x6f],ah jc 0x71b insb outsw popa imul bp,[fs:bp+0x67],word 0x6e20 gs ja 0x727 push bp push dx dec sp jnc 0x72c imul bp,[bp+0x20],word 0x6361 jz 0x77c jna 0x77a and [bx+0x69],dh outsb fs outsw ja 0x790 or ah,[bp+di] and [bx+si],ah outsb gs ja 0x752 ja 0x790 outsb fs outsw ja 0x74c and [bp+0x6f],ah jc 0x751 outsw jo 0x799 outsb imul bp,[bp+0x67],word 0x6e20 gs ja 0x75d ja 0x7a8 outsb fs outsw ja 0x7b7 and [bx+si],ch gs popad jnz 0x7b8 jz 0x777 or ah,[bp+di] and [bx+si],ah outsb gs ja 0x783 jz 0x7b9 bound sp,[bx+si] and [bx+si],ah and [bx+si],ah outsd jc 0x782 outsw jo 0x7ca outsb imul bp,[bp+0x67],word 0x5520 push dx dec sp and [bx+di+0x6e],ch and [bx+di+0x20],ah outsb gs ja 0x797 jz 0x7da bound cx,[bp+si] imul sp,[bp+0x20],word 0x205b sub ax,0x207a and ah,[si] dec bp dec di pop dx pop di dec si inc bp push di push bp push dx dec sp and ah,[bx+si] pop bp cmp sp,[bx+si] jz 0x7fe gs outsb or ah,[bx+si] and [di+0x4f],cl pop dx pop di dec si inc bp push di push bp push dx dec sp cmp ax,0x6e22 gs ja 0x7d8 ja 0x816 outsb fs outsw ja 0x7d4 or ah,[bp+0x69] or cl,[bp+si] imul sp,[bp+0x20],word 0x205b sub ax,0x207a and ah,[si] dec bp dec di pop dx pop di inc sp inc bp inc dx push bp inc di and ah,[bx+si] pop bp cmp sp,[bx+si] jz 0x839 gs outsb or ah,[bx+si] and [si+0x45],al inc dx push bp inc di cmp ax,0xa30 gs insb jnc 0x847 or ah,[bx+si] and [si+0x45],al inc dx push bp inc di cmp ax,0x4d24 dec di pop dx pop di inc sp inc bp inc dx push bp inc di or ah,[bp+0x69] and [bp+si],cl pop bx and [si],ah inc sp inc bp inc dx push bp inc di and [di],ch gs jno 0x827 xor [bx+si],ah pop bp and [0x2026],ah inc sp inc bp push si dec si push bp dec sp dec sp cmp ax,0x3222 ds das gs jna 0x84d outsb jnz 0x88d insb and [0x642f],bh gs jna 0x858 outsb jnz 0x898 insb and cl,[bp+si] or cl,[bp+si] and sp,[bp+di] or ah,[bp+di] and sp,[bx+si] push bx gs jz 0x85b dec bp dec di pop dx dec cx dec sp dec sp inc cx pop di inc si dec cx push si inc bp pop di dec ax dec di dec bp inc bp or ah,[bp+di] and cx,[bp+si] dec bp dec di pop dx dec cx dec sp dec sp inc cx pop di inc si dec cx push si inc bp pop di dec ax dec di dec bp inc bp cmp ax,0x2422 dec bp dec di pop dx pop di inc sp dec cx push bx push sp pop di dec sp dec cx inc dx and cl,[bp+si] gs js 0x8e5 outsw jc 0x8ec and [di+0x4f],cl pop dx dec cx dec sp dec sp inc cx pop di inc si dec cx push si inc bp pop di dec ax dec di dec bp inc bp or cl,[bp+si] and sp,[bp+di] or ah,[bp+di] and sp,[bx+si] push bx gs jz 0x8b6 dec sp inc sp pop di dec sp dec cx inc dx push dx inc cx push dx pop cx pop di push ax inc cx push sp dec ax or ah,[bp+di] and cx,[bp+si] imul sp,[bp+0x20],word 0x205b and ah,[si] dec sp inc sp pop di dec sp dec cx inc dx push dx inc cx push dx pop cx pop di push ax inc cx push sp dec ax and ah,[bx+si] pop bp or dh,[si+0x68] gs outsb or ah,[bx+si] and [si+0x44],cl pop di dec sp dec cx inc dx push dx inc cx push dx pop cx pop di push ax inc cx push sp dec ax cmp ax,0x4d24 dec di pop dx pop di inc sp dec cx push bx push sp pop di dec sp dec cx inc dx das jo 0x956 jnz 0x953 imul bp,[bp+0x73],word 0x243a dec bp dec di pop dx pop di inc sp dec cx push bx push sp pop di dec sp dec cx inc dx cmp ah,[si] dec sp inc sp pop di dec sp dec cx inc dx push dx inc cx push dx pop cx pop di push ax inc cx push sp dec ax or ah,[di+0x6c] jnc 0x978 or ah,[bx+si] and [si+0x44],cl pop di dec sp dec cx inc dx push dx inc cx push dx pop cx pop di push ax inc cx push sp dec ax cmp ax,0x4d24 dec di pop dx pop di inc sp dec cx push bx push sp pop di dec sp dec cx inc dx das jo 0x9a2 jnz 0x99f imul bp,[bp+0x73],word 0x243a dec bp dec di pop dx pop di inc sp dec cx push bx push sp pop di dec sp dec cx inc dx or ah,[bp+0x69] or ah,[di+0x78] jo 0x9c0 jc 0x9c7 and [si+0x44],cl pop di dec sp dec cx inc dx push dx inc cx push dx pop cx pop di push ax inc cx push sp dec ax or cl,[bp+si] and sp,[bp+di] and [di+0x61],cl imul sp,[di+0x20],byte +0x73 jnz 0x9e2 and [gs:si+0x68],dh popa jz 0x997 ja 0x9de and [bp+di+0x65],dh jz 0x99e jz 0x9e8 and [gs:bx+si+0x6c],dh jnz 0x9ed imul bp,[bp+0x20],word 0x6170 jz 0x9f5 and [bp+0x6f],ah jc 0x9b2 bound sp,[bx+di+0x63] imul si,[bx+0x61],byte +0x72 fs jnc 0x9bc arpl [bx+0x6d],bp jo 0xa02 jz 0xa0c bound bp,[bx+di+0x6c] imul si,[si+0x79],word 0x230a and sp,[bx+si] push bx gs jz 0x9d1 dec bp dec di pop dx pop di push ax dec sp push bp inc di dec cx dec si pop di push ax inc cx push sp dec ax and [si+0x6f],dh and [si],ah dec ax dec di dec bp inc bp das cs insw outsw jpe 0xa38 insb insb popa das jo 0xa41 jnz 0xa3e imul bp,[bp+0x73],word 0x6920 o32 and [bp+0x6f],ch jz 0xa02 jnc 0xa49 jz 0x9f0 and sp,[bp+di] or ch,[bx+di+0x66] and [bp+di+0x20],bl sub ax,0x207a and ah,[si] dec bp dec di pop dx pop di push ax dec sp push bp inc di dec cx dec si pop di push ax inc cx push sp dec ax and ah,[bx+si] pop bp cmp sp,[bx+si] jz 0xa71 gs outsb or ah,[bx+si] and [di+0x78],ah jo 0xa81 jc 0xa88 and [di+0x4f],cl pop dx pop di push ax dec sp push bp inc di dec cx dec si pop di push ax inc cx push sp dec ax cmp ax,0x4d24 dec di pop dx dec cx dec sp dec sp inc cx pop di inc si dec cx push si inc bp pop di dec ax dec di dec bp inc bp das jo 0xaa6 jnz 0xaa3 imul bp,[bp+0x73],word 0x200a and [bx+di+0x66],ch and [bp+di+0x20],bl and ah,[si] dec ax dec di dec bp inc bp and ah,[bx+si] pop bp and [bp+di],bh and [si+0x68],dh gs outsb or ah,[bx+si] and [bx+si],ah and [di+0x78],ah jo 0xacf jc 0xad6 and [di+0x4f],cl pop dx pop di push ax dec sp push bp inc di dec cx dec si pop di push ax inc cx push sp dec ax cmp ax,0x4824 dec di dec bp inc bp das and al,0x4d dec di pop dx pop di push ax push dx dec di inc si dec cx dec sp inc bp das jo 0xaf4 jnz 0xaf1 imul bp,[bp+0x73],word 0x243a dec bp dec di pop dx pop di push ax dec sp push bp inc di dec cx dec si pop di push ax inc cx push sp dec ax or ah,[bx+si] and [bp+0x69],ah or ah,[bp+0x69] or cl,[bp+si] and sp,[bp+di] and [bp+si],cl and sp,[bp+di] and [bx+di+0x75],al jz 0xb22 gs jz 0xb1c arpl [si+0x20],si push bp dec cx and [si+0x61],ch outsb a32 jnz 0xb24 or ah,[gs:ebx] and cx,[bp+si] a32 jc 0xb31 jo 0xaee sub ax,0x2071 and al,0x48 dec di dec bp inc bp das and al,0x4d dec di pop dx pop di push ax push dx dec di inc si dec cx dec sp inc bp and [si],ah dec ax dec di dec bp inc bp das and al,0x4d dec di pop dx pop di push ax push dx dec di inc si dec cx dec sp inc bp das popa jo 0xb6a jc 0xb61 and [esi],bh and [bx],ch gs jna 0xb34 outsb jnz 0xb74 insb and [bp+si],dh ds das gs jna 0xb40 outsb jnz 0xb80 insb or dl,[bp+di+0x45] push sp pop di dec sp inc cx dec si inc di cmp ax,0x3f24 or ch,[bx+di+0x66] and [bp+di+0x20],bl and ah,[si] dec ax dec di dec bp inc bp and ah,[bx+si] sub ax,0x2061 and ah,[si] dec sp inc cx dec si inc di and ah,[bx+si] sub ax,0x2061 and ah,[si] push bx inc bp push sp pop di dec sp inc cx dec si inc di and ah,[bx+si] and [di],di and [bp+si],ah xor [bp+si],ah and [di],ch popa and [di],ch jc 0xb76 and ah,[si] dec bp dec di pop dx dec cx dec sp dec sp inc cx pop di inc si dec cx push si inc bp pop di dec ax dec di dec bp inc bp das arpl [bx+si+0x72],bp outsw insw gs das insb outsw arpl [bx+di+0x6c],sp cs popa insb imul sp,[bx+di+0x73],word 0x2022 pop bp cmp sp,[bx+si] jz 0xbec gs outsb or ah,[bx+si] and [bx+si],ah and [di+0x4f],cl pop dx pop di dec sp inc cx dec si inc di cmp ax,0x6760 jc 0xbfd jo 0xbba sub ax,0x2045 and bl,[bp+0x24] dec sp inc cx dec si inc di pop bx pop bx cmp dh,[bp+di+0x70] popa arpl [di+0x3a],sp pop bp pop bp and ah,[bx+si] and al,0x4d dec di pop dx dec cx dec sp dec sp inc cx pop di inc si dec cx push si inc bp pop di dec ax dec di dec bp inc bp das arpl [bx+si+0x72],bp outsw insw gs das insb outsw arpl [bx+di+0x6c],sp cs popa insb imul sp,[bx+di+0x73],word 0x7c20 and [si+0x72],dh and [di],ch jnc 0xc00 and bl,[bp+di+0x3a] bound bp,[si+0x61] outsb imul di,[bp+si],byte +0x5d and ah,[bx+si] jl 0xc0e arpl [di+0x74],si and [di],ch o32 and [bp+si],dh pusha or ah,[bx+si] and [bx+si],ah and [bp+0x6f],ah jc 0xc20 imul sp,[bx+si],word 0x6e69 and [bp+si],ah and al,0x40 and bh,[bp+di] fs outsw or ah,[bx+si] and [bx+si],ah and [bx+si],ah and [bx+si],ah and [bp+di+0x20],bl and ah,[si] imul sp,[bp+si],word 0x3d20 and [bp+si],ah sub ax,0x4955 dec sp outsw arpl [bx+di+0x6c],sp and ah,[gs:bx+si] pop bp and [0x2026],ah
CAPITOLUL AL SASELEA/1 INFRACTIUNI IN DOMENIUL TEHNOLOGIILOR INFORMATIONALE Articolul 176/1. Accesul ilegal (nesanctionat) la informatia computerizata. Articolul 176/2. Insusirea ilegala a informatiei computerizate. Articolul 176/3. Fabricarea sau desfacerea mijloacelor specifice in scopul obtinerii accesului ilegal (nesanctionat) la sistemul computerizat Articolul 176/4. Modificarea informatiei computerizate Articolul 176/5. Sabotajul computerizat Articolul 176/6. Crearea, utilizarea sau raspindirea programelor daunatoare Articolul 176/7. Incalcarea regulilor de exploatare a sistemului computerizat
da eu de demult i-am zis asta ...:P
Cu mare placere afisez codul programului special pentru adri_m
and sp,[bx+di]
bound bp,[bx+di+0x6e]
jnc 0x71
or ah,[bp+di]
or ah,[bp+di]
and [si+0x68],dl
and [gs:bp+di+0x6f],ah
jz 0x7c
jz 0x8d
and [bx+0x66],ch
and [si+0x68],dh
imul si,[bp+di+0x20],word 0x6966
and [gs:bx+di+0x72],ah
and [gs:bp+di+0x75],dh
bound bp,[bp+si+0x65]
arpl [si+0x20],si
jz 0xa5
and [si+0x68],dh
and [gs:bp+0x65],cl
jz 0xb2
arpl [bx+di+0x70],sp
and [gs:bx+si+0x75],dl
bound bp,[si+0x69]
arpl [bp+si],cx
and sp,[bx+si]
dec sp
imul sp,[bp+di+0x65],word 0x736e
and [gs:bp+0x65],dl
jc 0xcc
imul bp,[bx+0x6e],word 0x3120
xor [cs:bx+si],sp
sub [si+0x68],dh
and [gs:bp+si],ah
dec sp
imul sp,[bp+di+0x65],word 0x736e
and ch,[gs:bx+di]
cmp sp,[bx+si]
jns 0xe3
jnz 0x96
jns 0x9a
jz 0x9e
jnz 0xf3
and [gs:si+0x68],dh
imul si,[bp+di+0x20],word 0x6966
or ah,[gs:bp+di]
and [di+0x78],ah
arpl [di+0x70],sp
jz 0xb5
imul bp,[bp+0x20],word 0x6f63
jo 0x109
imul sp,[bx+di+0x6e],word 0x6563
and [bx+0x69],dh
jz 0x10f
and [si+0x68],dh
and [gs:si+0x69],cl
arpl [di+0x6e],sp
jnc 0x118
and [cs:bx+di+0x6f],bl
jnz 0xd9
jns 0xdd
bound si,[si+0x61]
imul bp,[bp+0x20],word 0x2061
arpl [bx+0x70],bp
jns 0xeb
o32 or ah,[bp+di]
and [si+0x68],dh
and [gs:si+0x69],cl
arpl [di+0x6e],sp
jnc 0x140
and [bx+di+0x74],ah
and [bx+si+0x74],ch
jz 0x153
cmp ch,[bx]
ja 0x15f
ja 0x118
jpe 0x157
cs outsw
jc 0x15c
dec si
push ax
dec sp
or ah,[bp+di]
or ah,[bp+di]
and [bp+di+0x6f],dl
o32 jz 0x17b
jc 0x16c
and [si+0x69],ah
jnc 0x180
jc 0x177
bound si,[di+0x74]
and [fs:di+0x6e],dh
gs jc 0x13a
jz 0x184
and [gs:si+0x69],cl
arpl [di+0x6e],sp
jnc 0x18a
and [bx+di+0x73],ch
and [si+0x69],ah
jnc 0x1a1
jc 0x198
bound si,[di+0x74]
and [fs:bx+0x6e],ch
and [bx+di+0x6e],ah
and [bp+si],ah
inc cx
push bx
or ah,[bp+di]
and [bx+di+0x53],cl
and ah,[bx+si]
bound sp,[bx+di+0x73]
imul si,[bp+di+0x2c],word 0x5720
dec cx
push sp
dec ax
dec di
push bp
push sp
and [bx+0x41],dl
push dx
push dx
inc cx
dec si
push sp
pop cx
and [bx+0x46],cl
and [bx+di+0x4e],al
pop cx
and [bp+di+0x49],cl
dec si
inc sp
sub al,0x20
imul si,[gs:si+0x68],word 0x7265
and [di+0x78],ah
jo 0x1e7
gs jnc 0x1eb
and [bx+0x72],ch
or ah,[bp+di]
and [bx+di+0x6d],ch
jo 0x1ee
imul sp,[di+0x64],word 0x202e
push bx
and [gs:si+0x68],dh
and [gs:si+0x69],cl
arpl [di+0x6e],sp
jnc 0x1fb
and [bp+0x6f],ah
jc 0x1bb
jz 0x205
and [gs:bp+di+0x70],dh
arpl [gs:bx+di+0x66],bp
imul sp,[bp+di+0x20],word 0x616c
a32 jnz 0x20f
and [gs:edi+0x6f],ah
jna 0x21a
jc 0x225
imul bp,[bp+0x67],word 0x230a
and [bp+si+0x69],dh
a32 push word 0x7374
and [bx+di+0x6e],ah
and [fs:si+0x69],ch
imul si,[si+0x61],word 0x6974
jnc 0x1f4
jnz 0x244
gs jc 0x1fa
jz 0x244
and [gs:si+0x69],cl
arpl [di+0x6e],sp
jnc 0x24a
or ah,[cs:bp+di]
or ah,[bp+di]
and [si+0x68],dl
and [gs:bx+0x72],cl
imul sp,[bx+0x69],word 0x616e
and [bp+di+0x6f],al
and [gs:bx+di+0x73],ch
and [di+0x6f],ch
jpe 0x26d
cs outsw
jc 0x272
and [bp+di+0x6f],ah
or ah,[cs:bp+di]
or ah,[bp+di]
and [si+0x68],dl
and [gs:bx+di+0x6e],cl
imul si,[si+0x69],word 0x6c61
and [si+0x65],al
jna 0x28b
jo 0x28f
jc 0x24c
o32 and [si+0x68],dh
and [gs:bx+0x72],cl
imul sp,[bx+0x69],word 0x616e
and [bp+di+0x6f],al
and [gs:bx+di+0x73],ch
and [bp+0x65],cl
jz 0x2bb
arpl [bx+di+0x70],sp
or ah,[gs:bp+di]
and [bp+di+0x6f],al
jnz 0x2c3
imul sp,[bp+di+0x61],word 0x6974
jnc 0x27e
inc bx
jc 0x2d2
jc 0x2c6
jz 0x2d0
and [cs:bx+si],ah
push ax
jc 0x2e4
imul bp,[bx+0x6e],word 0x2073
arpl [bp+si+0x65],si
jz 0x2e0
and [fs:bp+si+0x79],ah
and [bp+0x65],cl
jz 0x2f7
arpl [bx+di+0x70],sp
and [gs:bx+di+0x72],ah
or ah,[gs:bp+di]
and [bp+di+0x6f],al
jo 0x30c
jc 0x2fe
a32 push word 0x2074
sub [bp+di+0x29],al
and [bx+di],dh
cmp [bx+di],di
cmp [bx+si],ah
dec si
gs jz 0x319
arpl [bx+di+0x70],sp
and [gs:bp+di+0x6f],al
jnz 0x31f
imul sp,[bp+di+0x61],word 0x6974
jnc 0x2da
inc bx
jc 0x32e
jc 0x322
jz 0x32c
and [cs:bx+di+0x6c],al
or ah,[bp+di]
and [bp+si+0x69],dl
a32 push word 0x7374
and [bp+si+0x65],dl
jnc 0x33d
jc 0x350
or ah,[cs:bp+di]
or ah,[bp+di]
and [bp+di+0x6f],al
jz 0x359
imul sp,[bp+si+0x75],word 0x6f74
jc 0x316
jnc 0x319
cmp ah,[bx+si]
or ah,[bp+di]
and [bx+si],ah
and [bx+si],ah
push di
a32 popad
and [edx+0x6f],dl
jnc 0x36a
jnz 0x36e
jc 0x32b
cmp al,0x77
a32 popad
cs a32 jc 0x386
jnc 0x37e
jnz 0x382
jc 0x35f
jnc 0x396
jnc 0x388
arpl [cs:bx+0x6d],bp
or ah,[ds:bp+di]
or cl,[bp+si]
and sp,[bp+di]
and [bp+si],cl
and sp,[bp+di]
and [di+0x73],dl
cmp cl,[gs:edx]
and sp,[bp+di]
or ah,[bp+di]
and sp,[bx+si]
and al,0x20
jpe 0x3af
or ah,[bp+di]
and cx,[bp+si]
and sp,[bp+di]
and [si+0x68],dl
imul si,[bp+di+0x20],word 0x6373
jc 0x3c2
jo 0x3cf
and [bx+di+0x73],ch
and [di+0x65],ch
jz 0x385
jz 0x3d6
and [bp+si+0x75],dh
and [bx+di+0x20],ah
jpe 0x3db
and [bx+si+0x72],dh
a32 jc 0x3dd
and [bp+0x72],ah
and [si+0x68],dh
and [gs:di+0x6f],ch
jpe 0x3f4
or ah,[bp+di]
and sp,[bx+si]
jc 0x404
and [bx+di+0x6e],ch
jnc 0x40e
jz 0x409
or ah,[cs:bp+di]
and cx,[bp+si]
and sp,[bp+di]
and [si+0x68],dl
and [gs:bp+di+0x63],dh
jc 0x41b
jo 0x428
and [bx+0x69],dh
and [bp+di+0x65],dh
jz 0x433
jo 0x3e0
and [si+0x68],dh
and [gs:di+0x6e],ah
jna 0x435
jc 0x43d
gs outsb
jz 0x3f4
jna 0x445
fs outsw
and [bp+0x65],ch
and [fs:si+0x6f],dh
and [di+0x61],ch
imul sp,[di+0xa],byte +0x23
and sp,[bx+si]
jpe 0x45a
and [bx+0x6f],dh
jc 0x464
or cl,[cs:bp+si]
arpl [di+0x64],bp
gs cmp ax,0x6260
jnc 0x46e
and [gs:si],ah
xor [bx+si+0xa],ah
or ah,[bp+di]
and sp,[bx+si]
fs outsw
jz 0x43c
gs popa
jna 0x486
and [bx+di+0x6e],ah
jns 0x446
arpl [bx+0x72],bp
and [gs:bp+0x69],ah
gs jnc 0x451
jc 0x4a3
jnz 0x4a4
or dh,[fs:di+0x6c]
imul bp,[di+0x69],word 0x2074
sub ax,0x2063
xor [bp+si],cl
or ah,[bp+di]
and cx,[bp+si]
and sp,[bp+di]
and [bp+0x61],dl
jc 0x4b8
bound bp,[si+0x65]
jnc 0x45f
and sp,[bp+di]
or cl,[di+0x4f]
pop dx
pop di
inc sp
dec cx
push bx
push sp
pop di
inc dx
dec cx
dec si
cmp ax,0x2f22
jo 0x4de
jpe 0x4d8
and cl,[bp+si]
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
pop di
inc sp
dec cx
push bx
push sp
pop di
dec sp
dec cx
inc dx
cmp ax,0x2f22
jo 0x4fa
jpe 0x4f4
imul sp,[bp+si+0x22],word 0x4d0a
dec di
pop dx
pop di
inc cx
push ax
push ax
dec si
inc cx
dec bp
inc bp
cmp ax,0x6d22
jpe 0x50e
and cl,[bp+si]
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
pop di
push ax
push dx
dec di
inc si
dec cx
dec sp
inc bp
cmp ax,0x2e22
jpe 0x525
and cl,[bp+si]
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
pop di
push ax
push dx
dec di
inc di
push dx
inc cx
dec bp
cmp ax,0x2422
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
pop di
inc sp
dec cx
push bx
push sp
pop di
dec sp
dec cx
inc dx
and al,0x4d
dec di
pop dx
pop di
inc cx
push ax
push ax
dec si
inc cx
dec bp
inc bp
sub ax,0x6962
and cl,[bp+si]
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
pop di
inc bx
dec sp
dec cx
inc bp
dec si
push sp
pop di
push ax
push dx
dec di
inc di
push dx
inc cx
dec bp
cmp ax,0x2422
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
pop di
inc sp
dec cx
push bx
push sp
pop di
dec sp
dec cx
inc dx
jpe 0x57d
sub ax,0x7278
gs insw
jz 0x584
sub ax,0x6c63
imul sp,[di+0x6e],word 0x2074
sub ax,0x2061
and al,0x4d
dec di
pop dx
pop di
inc cx
push ax
push ax
dec si
inc cx
dec bp
inc bp
and cl,[bp+si]
or ah,[bp+di]
and [bp+di+0x65],dh
jz 0x55f
push sp
inc bp
dec bp
push ax
and [di+0x78],ah
jo 0x5b4
imul sp,[bp+di+0x69],word 0x6574
jns 0x570
jz 0x5c1
and [si],ah
dec ax
dec di
dec bp
inc bp
and [bx+si],ch
and [cs:esi+0x6f],ah
jc 0x583
arpl [bp+si+0x6f],si
jc 0x5ce
sub [fs:bp+si],cx
and sp,[di+0x78]
jo 0x5e1
jc 0x5e8
and [si+0x45],dl
dec bp
push ax
cmp ax,0x4824
dec di
dec bp
inc bp
or cl,[bp+si]
and sp,[bx+si]
gs outsb
imul sp,[bx+0x6d],word 0x6961
and [bp+di+0x68],dh
jnz 0x5fd
and [fs:bx+si+0x6f],ch
jc 0x5b9
gs outsb
jna 0x5a7
gs js 0x610
jc 0x617
and [di+0x4e],al
dec cx
inc di
dec bp
inc cx
dec cx
dec sp
pop di
push ax
inc cx
push bx
push bx
pop di
inc bp
dec si
push si
cmp ax,0x7468
jz 0x62a
pop di
jo 0x62f
js 0x639
or cl,[bp+si]
and sp,[bx+si]
arpl [bx+0x6e],bp
imul esp,[bx+0x75],dword 0x70206572
jc 0x63a
jz 0x639
jc 0x649
or ch,[bx+di+0x66]
and [bp+di+0x20],bl
sub ax,0x207a
and ah,[si]
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
dec cx
dec sp
dec sp
inc cx
pop di
push ax
dec di
push bx
push sp
push bx
inc bx
push dx
dec cx
push ax
push sp
pop di
push ax
push dx
dec cx
dec si
push sp
inc bp
push dx
pop di
dec sp
dec cx
push bx
push sp
and ah,[bx+si]
pop bp
cmp sp,[bx+si]
jz 0x66f
gs outsb
or ah,[bx+si]
and [si+0x65],dh
jnc 0x684
and [di],ch
js 0x634
jnz 0x68a
jc 0x648
bound bp,[bx+di+0x6e]
jo 0x693
jz 0x683
jz 0x644
and [es:si+0xa],bl
and [bx+si],ah
and [bx+si],ah
jnz 0x6a3
jc 0x661
bound bp,[bx+di+0x6e]
jo 0x6ac
jz 0x69c
jz 0x65d
sub ax,0x2068
arpl [bx+di+0x6c],sp
push word 0x736f
jz 0x66a
ds das
gs jna 0x67f
jnz 0x6bf
and [bp+si],dh
xor [es:bx+si],sp
and [es:si+0xa],bl
and [bx+si],ah
and [bx+si],ah
gs js 0x6d6
jc 0x6dd
and [di+0x4f],cl
pop dx
dec cx
dec sp
dec sp
inc cx
pop di
push ax
dec di
push bx
push sp
push bx
inc bx
push dx
dec cx
push ax
push sp
pop di
push ax
push dx
dec cx
dec si
push sp
inc bp
push dx
pop di
dec sp
dec cx
push bx
push sp
cmp ax,0x6422
gs popad
jnz 0x6fd
jz 0x6b3
and al,0x28
and [si+0xa],bl
and [bx+si],ah
and [bx+si],ah
and [bx+si],ah
and [bx+si],ah
and [bx+si],ah
jo 0x718
jz 0x708
jz 0x6c9
sub ax,0x2070
jl 0x6ce
arpl [di+0x74],si
and [di],ch
and [fs:bx],ah
and [bx],ah
and [di],ch
o32 and [bp+si],dh
and [si+0x20],bh
jz 0x734
and [bx],ah
pop sp
and [bx],ah
and [bx],ah
and [bx+di],ch
and cl,[bp+si]
imul ecx,[bp+si],dword 0x4d20230a
dec di
pop dx
pop di
dec si
inc bp
push di
push bp
push dx
dec sp
and [bp+di+0x61],ah
and [bp+si+0x65],ah
and [bp+si],cl
and sp,[bx+si]
and [bx+0x76],ch
gs jc 0x767
jc 0x75b
jz 0x759
and [bx+si],ah
and [bp+0x6f],ah
jc 0x71b
imul bp,[fs:bp+0x67],word 0x6e20
gs ja 0x727
push bp
push dx
dec sp
jnc 0x72c
imul bp,[bp+0x20],word 0x6361
jz 0x77c
jna 0x77a
and [bx+0x69],dh
fs outsw
ja 0x790
or ah,[bp+di]
and [bx+si],ah
gs ja 0x752
ja 0x790
fs outsw
ja 0x74c
and [bp+0x6f],ah
jc 0x751
jo 0x799
imul bp,[bp+0x67],word 0x6e20
gs ja 0x75d
ja 0x7a8
fs outsw
ja 0x7b7
and [bx+si],ch
gs popad
jnz 0x7b8
jz 0x777
or ah,[bp+di]
and [bx+si],ah
gs ja 0x783
jz 0x7b9
bound sp,[bx+si]
and [bx+si],ah
and [bx+si],ah
jc 0x782
jo 0x7ca
imul bp,[bp+0x67],word 0x5520
push dx
dec sp
and [bx+di+0x6e],ch
and [bx+di+0x20],ah
gs ja 0x797
jz 0x7da
bound cx,[bp+si]
imul sp,[bp+0x20],word 0x205b
sub ax,0x207a
and ah,[si]
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
pop di
dec si
inc bp
push di
push bp
push dx
dec sp
and ah,[bx+si]
pop bp
cmp sp,[bx+si]
jz 0x7fe
gs outsb
or ah,[bx+si]
and [di+0x4f],cl
pop dx
pop di
dec si
inc bp
push di
push bp
push dx
dec sp
cmp ax,0x6e22
gs ja 0x7d8
ja 0x816
fs outsw
ja 0x7d4
or ah,[bp+0x69]
or cl,[bp+si]
imul sp,[bp+0x20],word 0x205b
sub ax,0x207a
and ah,[si]
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
pop di
inc sp
inc bp
inc dx
push bp
inc di
and ah,[bx+si]
pop bp
cmp sp,[bx+si]
jz 0x839
gs outsb
or ah,[bx+si]
and [si+0x45],al
inc dx
push bp
inc di
cmp ax,0xa30
gs insb
jnc 0x847
or ah,[bx+si]
and [si+0x45],al
inc dx
push bp
inc di
cmp ax,0x4d24
dec di
pop dx
pop di
inc sp
inc bp
inc dx
push bp
inc di
or ah,[bp+0x69]
and [bp+si],cl
pop bx
and [si],ah
inc sp
inc bp
inc dx
push bp
inc di
and [di],ch
gs jno 0x827
xor [bx+si],ah
pop bp
and [0x2026],ah
inc sp
inc bp
push si
dec si
push bp
dec sp
dec sp
cmp ax,0x3222
ds das
gs jna 0x84d
jnz 0x88d
and [0x642f],bh
gs jna 0x858
jnz 0x898
and cl,[bp+si]
or cl,[bp+si]
and sp,[bp+di]
or ah,[bp+di]
and sp,[bx+si]
push bx
gs jz 0x85b
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
dec cx
dec sp
dec sp
inc cx
pop di
inc si
dec cx
push si
inc bp
pop di
dec ax
dec di
dec bp
inc bp
or ah,[bp+di]
and cx,[bp+si]
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
dec cx
dec sp
dec sp
inc cx
pop di
inc si
dec cx
push si
inc bp
pop di
dec ax
dec di
dec bp
inc bp
cmp ax,0x2422
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
pop di
inc sp
dec cx
push bx
push sp
pop di
dec sp
dec cx
inc dx
and cl,[bp+si]
gs js 0x8e5
jc 0x8ec
and [di+0x4f],cl
pop dx
dec cx
dec sp
dec sp
inc cx
pop di
inc si
dec cx
push si
inc bp
pop di
dec ax
dec di
dec bp
inc bp
or cl,[bp+si]
and sp,[bp+di]
or ah,[bp+di]
and sp,[bx+si]
push bx
gs jz 0x8b6
dec sp
inc sp
pop di
dec sp
dec cx
inc dx
push dx
inc cx
push dx
pop cx
pop di
push ax
inc cx
push sp
dec ax
or ah,[bp+di]
and cx,[bp+si]
imul sp,[bp+0x20],word 0x205b
and ah,[si]
dec sp
inc sp
pop di
dec sp
dec cx
inc dx
push dx
inc cx
push dx
pop cx
pop di
push ax
inc cx
push sp
dec ax
and ah,[bx+si]
pop bp
or dh,[si+0x68]
gs outsb
or ah,[bx+si]
and [si+0x44],cl
pop di
dec sp
dec cx
inc dx
push dx
inc cx
push dx
pop cx
pop di
push ax
inc cx
push sp
dec ax
cmp ax,0x4d24
dec di
pop dx
pop di
inc sp
dec cx
push bx
push sp
pop di
dec sp
dec cx
inc dx
jo 0x956
jnz 0x953
imul bp,[bp+0x73],word 0x243a
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
pop di
inc sp
dec cx
push bx
push sp
pop di
dec sp
dec cx
inc dx
cmp ah,[si]
dec sp
inc sp
pop di
dec sp
dec cx
inc dx
push dx
inc cx
push dx
pop cx
pop di
push ax
inc cx
push sp
dec ax
or ah,[di+0x6c]
jnc 0x978
or ah,[bx+si]
and [si+0x44],cl
pop di
dec sp
dec cx
inc dx
push dx
inc cx
push dx
pop cx
pop di
push ax
inc cx
push sp
dec ax
cmp ax,0x4d24
dec di
pop dx
pop di
inc sp
dec cx
push bx
push sp
pop di
dec sp
dec cx
inc dx
jo 0x9a2
jnz 0x99f
imul bp,[bp+0x73],word 0x243a
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
pop di
inc sp
dec cx
push bx
push sp
pop di
dec sp
dec cx
inc dx
or ah,[bp+0x69]
or ah,[di+0x78]
jo 0x9c0
jc 0x9c7
and [si+0x44],cl
pop di
dec sp
dec cx
inc dx
push dx
inc cx
push dx
pop cx
pop di
push ax
inc cx
push sp
dec ax
or cl,[bp+si]
and sp,[bp+di]
and [di+0x61],cl
imul sp,[di+0x20],byte +0x73
jnz 0x9e2
and [gs:si+0x68],dh
jz 0x997
ja 0x9de
and [bp+di+0x65],dh
jz 0x99e
jz 0x9e8
and [gs:bx+si+0x6c],dh
jnz 0x9ed
imul bp,[bp+0x20],word 0x6170
jz 0x9f5
and [bp+0x6f],ah
jc 0x9b2
bound sp,[bx+di+0x63]
imul si,[bx+0x61],byte +0x72
fs jnc 0x9bc
arpl [bx+0x6d],bp
jo 0xa02
jz 0xa0c
bound bp,[bx+di+0x6c]
imul si,[si+0x79],word 0x230a
and sp,[bx+si]
push bx
gs jz 0x9d1
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
pop di
push ax
dec sp
push bp
inc di
dec cx
dec si
pop di
push ax
inc cx
push sp
dec ax
and [si+0x6f],dh
and [si],ah
dec ax
dec di
dec bp
inc bp
cs insw
jpe 0xa38
jo 0xa41
jnz 0xa3e
imul bp,[bp+0x73],word 0x6920
o32 and [bp+0x6f],ch
jz 0xa02
jnc 0xa49
jz 0x9f0
and sp,[bp+di]
or ch,[bx+di+0x66]
and [bp+di+0x20],bl
sub ax,0x207a
and ah,[si]
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
pop di
push ax
dec sp
push bp
inc di
dec cx
dec si
pop di
push ax
inc cx
push sp
dec ax
and ah,[bx+si]
pop bp
cmp sp,[bx+si]
jz 0xa71
gs outsb
or ah,[bx+si]
and [di+0x78],ah
jo 0xa81
jc 0xa88
and [di+0x4f],cl
pop dx
pop di
push ax
dec sp
push bp
inc di
dec cx
dec si
pop di
push ax
inc cx
push sp
dec ax
cmp ax,0x4d24
dec di
pop dx
dec cx
dec sp
dec sp
inc cx
pop di
inc si
dec cx
push si
inc bp
pop di
dec ax
dec di
dec bp
inc bp
jo 0xaa6
jnz 0xaa3
imul bp,[bp+0x73],word 0x200a
and [bx+di+0x66],ch
and [bp+di+0x20],bl
and ah,[si]
dec ax
dec di
dec bp
inc bp
and ah,[bx+si]
pop bp
and [bp+di],bh
and [si+0x68],dh
gs outsb
or ah,[bx+si]
and [bx+si],ah
and [di+0x78],ah
jo 0xacf
jc 0xad6
and [di+0x4f],cl
pop dx
pop di
push ax
dec sp
push bp
inc di
dec cx
dec si
pop di
push ax
inc cx
push sp
dec ax
cmp ax,0x4824
dec di
dec bp
inc bp
and al,0x4d
dec di
pop dx
pop di
push ax
push dx
dec di
inc si
dec cx
dec sp
inc bp
jo 0xaf4
jnz 0xaf1
imul bp,[bp+0x73],word 0x243a
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
pop di
push ax
dec sp
push bp
inc di
dec cx
dec si
pop di
push ax
inc cx
push sp
dec ax
or ah,[bx+si]
and [bp+0x69],ah
or ah,[bp+0x69]
or cl,[bp+si]
and sp,[bp+di]
and [bp+si],cl
and sp,[bp+di]
and [bx+di+0x75],al
jz 0xb22
gs jz 0xb1c
arpl [si+0x20],si
push bp
dec cx
and [si+0x61],ch
a32 jnz 0xb24
or ah,[gs:ebx]
and cx,[bp+si]
a32 jc 0xb31
jo 0xaee
sub ax,0x2071
and al,0x48
dec di
dec bp
inc bp
and al,0x4d
dec di
pop dx
pop di
push ax
push dx
dec di
inc si
dec cx
dec sp
inc bp
and [si],ah
dec ax
dec di
dec bp
inc bp
and al,0x4d
dec di
pop dx
pop di
push ax
push dx
dec di
inc si
dec cx
dec sp
inc bp
jo 0xb6a
jc 0xb61
and [esi],bh
and [bx],ch
gs jna 0xb34
jnz 0xb74
and [bp+si],dh
ds das
gs jna 0xb40
jnz 0xb80
or dl,[bp+di+0x45]
push sp
pop di
dec sp
inc cx
dec si
inc di
cmp ax,0x3f24
or ch,[bx+di+0x66]
and [bp+di+0x20],bl
and ah,[si]
dec ax
dec di
dec bp
inc bp
and ah,[bx+si]
sub ax,0x2061
and ah,[si]
dec sp
inc cx
dec si
inc di
and ah,[bx+si]
sub ax,0x2061
and ah,[si]
push bx
inc bp
push sp
pop di
dec sp
inc cx
dec si
inc di
and ah,[bx+si]
and [di],di
and [bp+si],ah
xor [bp+si],ah
and [di],ch
and [di],ch
jc 0xb76
and ah,[si]
dec bp
dec di
pop dx
dec cx
dec sp
dec sp
inc cx
pop di
inc si
dec cx
push si
inc bp
pop di
dec ax
dec di
dec bp
inc bp
arpl [bx+si+0x72],bp
gs das
arpl [bx+di+0x6c],sp
cs popa
imul sp,[bx+di+0x73],word 0x2022
pop bp
cmp sp,[bx+si]
jz 0xbec
gs outsb
or ah,[bx+si]
and [bx+si],ah
and [di+0x4f],cl
pop dx
pop di
dec sp
inc cx
dec si
inc di
cmp ax,0x6760
jc 0xbfd
jo 0xbba
sub ax,0x2045
and bl,[bp+0x24]
dec sp
inc cx
dec si
inc di
pop bx
pop bx
cmp dh,[bp+di+0x70]
arpl [di+0x3a],sp
pop bp
pop bp
and ah,[bx+si]
and al,0x4d
dec di
pop dx
dec cx
dec sp
dec sp
inc cx
pop di
inc si
dec cx
push si
inc bp
pop di
dec ax
dec di
dec bp
inc bp
arpl [bx+si+0x72],bp
gs das
arpl [bx+di+0x6c],sp
cs popa
imul sp,[bx+di+0x73],word 0x7c20
and [si+0x72],dh
and [di],ch
jnc 0xc00
and bl,[bp+di+0x3a]
bound bp,[si+0x61]
imul di,[bp+si],byte +0x5d
and ah,[bx+si]
jl 0xc0e
arpl [di+0x74],si
and [di],ch
o32 and [bp+si],dh
or ah,[bx+si]
and [bx+si],ah
and [bp+0x6f],ah
jc 0xc20
imul sp,[bx+si],word 0x6e69
and [bp+si],ah
and al,0x40
and bh,[bp+di]
fs outsw
or ah,[bx+si]
and [bx+si],ah
and [bx+si],ah
and [bx+si],ah
and [bp+di+0x20],bl
and ah,[si]
imul sp,[bp+si],word 0x3d20
and [bp+si],ah
sub ax,0x4955
dec sp
arpl [bx+di+0x6c],sp
and ah,[gs:bx+si]
pop bp
and [0x2026],ah
asta precis nu-i codul la un vir normal--nu se incarca nici o biblioteca,nimic din cite vad eu
da , virus gehenticeskii mutant
nu credeam ca bufferul poate face asa mutatii in cod
iaka eu m-am lamirit...
credem ca ii scris in c++ sau ... ei .. caro4e.. nii vpadlu sa invatzi assembler...
Articolul 176/1. Accesul ilegal (nesanctionat) la informatia computerizata.
Articolul 176/2. Insusirea ilegala a informatiei computerizate.
Articolul 176/3. Fabricarea sau desfacerea mijloacelor specifice in scopul obtinerii accesului ilegal (nesanctionat) la sistemul computerizat
Articolul 176/4. Modificarea informatiei computerizate
Articolul 176/5. Sabotajul computerizat
Articolul 176/6. Crearea, utilizarea sau raspindirea programelor daunatoare
Articolul 176/7. Incalcarea regulilor de exploatare a sistemului computerizat
>>> "Incalcarea regulilor de exploatare a sistemului computerizat"
oare ce`ar insemna asta?!