Linux vs FreeBSD

Cate ceva gasite de pe net:" Perhaps somebody needs to explain to you again why FreeBSD sux. Linux is far superior to FreeBSD. Think about it. Microsoft's Hotmail service uses FreeBSD boxen, and Microsoft stuff is evil, right? Therefore, FreeBSD is evil. Good. Now, repeat after me, Linux is good. Linux is good. Linux is obviously good, because there is a big news site that likes Linux and criticizes Microsoft. Microsoft is bad, therefore Linux is good."" FreeBSD is not easily portable ! It sucks !If you want to use a *BSD system use NetBSD orcome back to Linux""We had six machines, 3 on Linux and 3 on FreeBSD.Up time for all was about 2 months when we had a power failure and all systems went down.When the power was restored, the 3 FreeBSD did their fsck and went back online.This are machines running 90 users each ( telnet applications 24 hours a day )On the Linux machines, one did the fsck and went online. The other 2, one trashed the CMOS and the boot record ( this was easily fixed but didn't auto start ) and the other one completely wiped out the ext2fs and rendered the machine useless.People. Look at SOFT_UPDATES on BSD systems. And remember that Linux mounts file systems ASYNCRONOUSLY and BSD's mounts SYNCRONOUS.We are very happy now running ALL six machines on FreeBSD for the last 8 months."