The error which underlies the very existence of this debate is that there issome kind of perfect Platonic form of the computer language, which some reallanguages reflect more perfectly than others. Plato was brilliant for his timebut reality is not expressable in terms of arbitrary visions of perfection, andfurthermore, one programmer's ideal is often another's hell. -- Paul Vixie, in _comp.lang.modula3_
The error which underlies the very existence of this debate is that there issome kind of perfect Platonic form of the computer language, which some reallanguages reflect more perfectly than others. Plato was brilliant for his timebut reality is not expressable in terms of arbitrary visions of perfection, andfurthermore, one programmer's ideal is often another's hell. -- Paul Vixie, in _comp.lang.modula3_
The error which underlies the very existence of this debate is that there issome kind of perfect Platonic form of the computer language, which some reallanguages reflect more perfectly than others. Plato was brilliant for his timebut reality is not expressable in terms of arbitrary visions of perfection, andfurthermore, one programmer's ideal is often another's hell. -- Paul Vixie, in _comp.lang.modula3_
The error which underlies the very existence of this debate is that there issome kind of perfect Platonic form of the computer language, which some reallanguages reflect more perfectly than others. Plato was brilliant for his timebut reality is not expressable in terms of arbitrary visions of perfection, andfurthermore, one programmer's ideal is often another's hell. -- Paul Vixie, in _comp.lang.modula3_