Help share market online

I want to know what will be share market online. Shares are one of the four main investment types, along with cash, bonds and property. They carry risk, but they can offer the highest returns. This guide explains how they work, and what the risks can be, so you can decide whether shares might be right for you. What are shares? Top tip: before you make any decision about buying or selling shares or funds, find out as much as you can about the company or fund. Do your own research or get financial advice. Shares (also known as equities) are like tiny fractions of a company. If you own one, you own a little bit of the company and a proportion of the company’s value. You can own shares yourself, or you can pool your money with other people in a collective investment often known as a fund. Funds buy a selection of shares, which are chosen and managed by a fund manager. If you put your money into funds, you don’t have to do the work of choosing the individual investments. When you own shares directly you become a shareholder, which usually means you have the right to vote on some company decisions. This doesn’t happen if you invest in a fund. Shares are bought and sold on the stock exchange. Shares from big companies are traded on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) – you’ll hear these called ‘listed shares’ – and smaller companies are traded on the Alternative Investments Market (AIM). How investing in shares works Investing in shares means buying and keeping them for a while in order to make money. There are two ways of getting money from shares of a company: The new tax free band means everyone is entitled to a tax-free Dividend Allowance of £5,000 per year. Married couples (and registered civil partners) can split their taxable dividend income between them and reduce tax liability by up to £1,625 (or 32.5%) per year. If the company grows and becomes more valuable, the share is worth more – so your investment is worth more too. Some shares pay you part of the company’s profits each year, called a dividend. If you buy shares in larger, long-established companies you’ll probably get dividends, but you may not get rapid growth. Shares that pay regular dividends are good for getting an income or the dividends can be reinvested to grow your capital. Dividend income is taxed at a different rate from savings interest. ไทยแลนด์, Thailand?


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уксус27 Декабря 2004, 17:02

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Administrator@@_27 Декабря 2004, 19:31
Administrator@@_27 Декабря 2004, 19:31

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techne27 Декабря 2004, 19:51
techne27 Декабря 2004, 19:51


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