Американский язык - официальный язык Иллинойса

Washington J. McCormick, a Republican Congressman from Montana, in 1923 proposed to displace English in favor of "American" as the national language. Apparently, this was the first official-language measure ever considered by the U.S. Congress. The bill died in committee, although it was adopted later that year by the state of Illinois. McCormick's rationale for the change was quoted in The Nation on April 11, 1923:
I might say I would supplement the political emancipation of '76 by the mental emancipation of '23. America has lost much in literature by not thinking its own thoughts and speaking them boldly in a language unadorned with gold braid. It was only when Cooper, Irving, Mark Twain, Whitman, and O. Henry dropped the Order of the Garter and began to write American that their wings of immortality sprouted. Had Noah Webster, instead of styling his monumental work the "American Dictionary of the English Language," written a "Dictionary of the American Language," he would have become a founder instead of a compiler. Let our writers drop their top-coats, spats, and swagger-sticks, and assume occasionally their buckskin, moccasins, and tomahawks.
для совкодрочеров и псевдолибералов - с 1923 официальным языком штата Иллинойс считался Американский (не английский). Ввели его по причине того что американским поэтам и писателям приходилось думать на иностранном языке (английском), вместо американского.
хорошая аналогия... если даже американцы признавали их диалект английского - отдельным языком, то чем молдова хуже?