Работа программистам в Штатах
I'm visiting Moscow soon with the Microsoft Bing team for a recruiting event where we hope to hire developers interested in relocating to the U.S.
I and some of the senior development directors & managers for Bing will be visiting Russia soon for a recruiting event and I’d love to know whether you’re interested in learning more about career opportunities with Microsoft Bing in the United States at our corporate HQ in Redmond WA, or if you can offer me any assistance connecting with others in the Russian software industry. If you’d like to learn more or if you know anyone else who might, please email me at matco@microsoft.com and/or mathiasconnot@hotmail.com.
I'd really appreciate any information you can provide me about where to possibly look for candidates interested in relocating to the U.S. to work for Microsoft, if you have any referrals of friends or former colleagues, if you know of any groups or job boards I should post on or any newsletters or blogs I should ivsit.
Thanks and I’m really looking forward to hearing from you!
Mathias Connot Microsoft Staffing, Talent Sourcer, Online Services Division, Bing at Microsoft
I and some of the senior development directors & managers for Bing will be visiting Russia soon for a recruiting event and I’d love to know whether you’re interested in learning more about career opportunities with Microsoft Bing in the United States at our corporate HQ in Redmond WA, or if you can offer me any assistance connecting with others in the Russian software industry. If you’d like to learn more or if you know anyone else who might, please email me at matco@microsoft.com and/or mathiasconnot@hotmail.com.
I'd really appreciate any information you can provide me about where to possibly look for candidates interested in relocating to the U.S. to work for Microsoft, if you have any referrals of friends or former colleagues, if you know of any groups or job boards I should post on or any newsletters or blogs I should ivsit.
Thanks and I’m really looking forward to hearing from you!
Mathias Connot Microsoft Staffing, Talent Sourcer, Online Services Division, Bing at Microsoft
Участвуя и общаясь в группе bizRUSSIA на сайте linkedin.com подумал, что может кого из "наших" заинтересует эта объява...
Ссылка на оригинал объявы
бинг сейчас очень активно набирает программистов итестеров. большинство позиций требуют отличного знания C/C++ ипонимания принципов работы поисковых систем. Стандартный interview loopвключает в себя от 4 до 6 технических интервью, проводимых в один деньодно за другим. Как правило, просят решить какую-нибудь алгоритмическуюзадачу... или спроектировать что-то. Компьютером пользоваться нельзя,все на доске.
вакансии можно посмотреть тут: https://careers.microsoft.com/
daca ai algoritmul in cap (si poti sa-l expui pe tabla) crede-ma ca ai sa poti sa il implementezi si la calculator.
da, cand scrii codul dintr-odata la calculator demonstrezi ca stii si una si alta, dar in cazul in care ai experienta Java de exemplu, iar in echpa noua se foloseste C#/C++ nu cred ca scrisul la calculator e cea mai corecta metoda...
Si plus, sa stai sa cauti greseli de compilare in timp de interviu tot nu e cea mai optima ocupatie - parerea mea.