wikileaks: немцы знали о похищении ЦРУ

wikileaks: немцы знали о похищении ЦРУThe ZIP Archive presents 4 documents from the questioning of the former German minister of the interior Otto Schily by the Munich prosecutor on the case of Khaled el-Masri, a German citizen that was mistaken as an al-Qaida member, kidnapped by the CIA and brought to Afghanistan. When the mistake became clear, El-Masri was abandoned in an Albanian forrest.The questioning of the prosectur had been initiated to clarify how much Schily knew about this kidnapping as minister of the interior at that time. The protocol was subsequently classified as "secret".While Schily denies to answer most questions due to a restriction in his testimony permission, which was issued by Wolfgang Schaeuble, some of the answers raise questions. Never denying to have known about the El-Masri case, Schily's explanation for why he did not inform German officials is especially noteworthy: he felt bound by his promise of confidentiality to the US ambassador Coats. https://secure.wikileaks.org/wiki/Protokoll_Befragung_Bundesinnenminister_a.D._Otto_Schily_zum_Fall_El_Masri%2C_2006основные документы - на немецкомлюбопытно также прочитать это:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khalid_El-MasriТам говорится что даже его адвокату запретили въезд в США.