
ELEMENT: 115NAME: WomanSYMBOL: FmPATHBREAKER: AdamNUCLEAR WEIGHT: 60 kg; also there are isotopes from 40 up to 250 kg. PREVALENCE: it is very widespreadPHYSICAL PROPERTIES. Thaws at the certain influence. Spontaneously begins to boil and without the external reasons it is cooled. Factor of expansion: increases in the course of time. Creased at squeezing in the certain placesCHEMICAL PROPERTIES. Very well cooperates with Au Ag Pt and other precious metals. Absorbs expensive substances in lots. Can unexpectedly blow up. It is quickly sated with ethyl spirit. Activity varies depending on time of day.APPLICATION. It is widely applied in the decorative purposes especially in sports cars. Is very effective cleaning and a washing-up liquid. Helps to relax and remove stress.QUALITATIVE REACTION. Gets green painting if a number is other sample of higher quality.SAFETY MEASURES. At hit to not skilled hands represents serious danger. It is forbidden to have more than one sample. However it is possible to have and a lot of samples but to hold them follows separately from each other thus that they did not cooperate among themselves.