[0day] Official MP3 Release Rules 1.0 -MP3COUNCIL

Official_MP3_Release_Rules_1.0-MP3COUNCIL...no comments...[ Official MP3 Release Rules ]RELEASE DATE: 2006-12-19VERSION: 1.0START DATE: 2007-01-15NOTES:This is the first version of official MP3 Release Rules created and signed by 50+ MP3 groups.Rules will start on January 15.mp3rules1.0.html - official HTML versionmp3rules1.0.txt - official TEXT versionmp3rules1.0_with_notes.html - HTML version with additional notes for this versionЦитата:Official MP3 Release Rules 1.0__________________________________________________ __________1. No Dupes !Complete albums/releases are checked, not single tracks. So a releaseis not a dupe if it has different or more tracks.Exceptions:1. It's also a dupe if the complete release is included in a previousone. For example CDM is released, now someone releases the CDS andall tracks of the CDS were already included on the CDM (excactlythe same tracks).2. You are allowed to create a duplicate release from a release thathas a source of lower quality.Example: if vinyl is out then a CD-release is allowed.If you do that then please add this info to NFO and dirname. Foronline bought MP3s (-WEB-) we assume the best source quality (CDDAor better) -> you need proofs that your source is better if youwant to dupe a web release.3. All MIXED cds should be ripped as one track supplied with a .cue.If they are not, they may be duped by another group that releasesit as one track with a .cue supplied.Note: if you want to release an import-album or some "extendendedition" then check rule 7 as well !2. An .SFV and .NFO file must be included in every release.If you release a CUE file for multitrack mp3s then the CUE file mustinclude artist and tracknames if they are available on the cover orinlay.3. Directoryname must at least contain:1. Artist Name - Title - Published Year (decimal) - Group name(extra info is allowed of course)2. All bootleg releases must have the word BOOTLEG in dirname. (checkbootleg rule 14)3. If you release magazine CDs then you must tag them as -MAG-. Don'ttag them -PROMO-, -ADVANCE- etc..Exception:If a vinyl/cd has no title then it's allowed to replace the title bylabelname+catnumber (both!). If there is only one artist on thevinyl/cd then you must add the artistname.4. Filename must at least contain:Track Number - Song TitleIf it's an album with different artists (one artist per track) then youmust add the artist name as well ("VA-tracks" like mixes don't needartistnames).Make sure that your filename is unique otherwise some sites mightdupeskip.Exception:If no tracknames are supplied by the source (cd,vinyl,..) then you*must* provide proof that these tracks have no names. Either by a scanof the original cover of the record company/label (no selfmade cdr orbootleg covers) or a link to an official or trusted webpage withproofs. If these "untitled tracks" are part of a big mix (no silencebetween the "tracks") then it's considered as one track and you mustrip it as one mp3/cue and give this track same name as the "album".5. Files/directories must only contain characters a-z A-Z 0-9 _ . - ()This is to avoid problems with windows/linux-filesystem andftp-servers.6. Self-made releases1. Self-made compilations are not allowed !A self-made compilation is when you select tracks from othersources, put them together and release that as something new.2. A self-made MIX or completely self-made music is allowed if it'sgood. Sites decide if it's shit by nuking it.If you are releasing self-made stuff then that must be clearlyvisible in your nfo.If it's not possible to see that it's self-made then it will getnuked as bad pack.Exception: if the selfmade release is free available at releasetime or when you obviously know that it will be available soonthen it's not allowed to release it.If it's not clear if it's selfmade or not and it's not possible to findany information about the release/artist/label then it's up to thegroup to prove that this release is not selfmade (coverscan, url, ...).If they are not able to prove that it's real it will get nuked as badpack.7. The entire CD,Vinyl,etc. must be released (not individual tracks)If you think it's too much work to rip all tracks you better don't ripat all. Releasing the complete CD/Vinyl/.. is necessary becauseotherwise it would be possible to make several (different) releases ofthe same cd/vinyl/etc..Exception for albums:If a RETAIL album has been released in different editions and the onlydifference is one or more bonus tracks (imports) then it's allowed torelease the bonustrack(s) only. But you may NOT re-release an entireinital edition within the first three months.Example: album released in US with 10 tracks, japanese edition with 11tracks (1 bonus track that is a new song) then you MUST release the japbonus track only (without including previously released tracks of theUS album) during the first three months after first full retailrelease. If it's more than 3 months later then you are allowed to doeither the bonustrack-only or the full album.Moreover, it is NOT allowed to re-release a new edition of an retailalbum EVER if the extra/bonus tracks are already included in one (!)previous release. For example, USA album is released and four monthslater japanese with simply a remix from an old CDM/CDS still wouldn'tbe allowed.For DVD(A) releases check Rule 10.8. Current maximum directory/filename-length is 128 charactersException: Dirfixes that reach the limit by adding "-DIRFIX-"9. No fake-releasesIt's a fake release when artist, title, group or source is incorrect(different).examples:- Some_Artist-Crappy_Music-2004-GRP not released by GRP- Another_Artist-Lots_of_Noise-CDM-2004-GRP was ripped from TV ordownloaded from a paysite- Madonna-Something_New-2004-GRP really containing some tracks byMarilyn Manson10. DVD/DVDA RippingA DVD/DVDA release must contain all music tracks. Additional tracks(interviews etc.) are optional. If those extra tracks are not includedthen a proper (with ALL tracks) or an additional release (extra tracksonly) is not allowed.If tracks are available in several audio formats then you must use the"best" version.Priority is:- PCM stereo (doesn't matter if DVDA or CDDA quality)- PCM 3+ channels- AC3 (dolby digital) stereo or DTS stereo- AC3 (dolby digital) 3+ channels or DTS 3+ channels- MPGExamples:- DVD contains AC3 5.1 and AC3 2.0 => you must rip the AC3 2.0 tracks- DVD contains PCM and AC3 2.0 => you must rip the PCM tracks- DVD contains MPG and AC3 2.0 => you must rip the AC3 2.0 versionNormalizing the sound volume is allowed but optional.11. Encoding Quality1. For releases made from MP3s (online bought):VBR (all combinations, but no maximum bitrate limit) and CBR isallowed. The minumum bitrate for CBR is 192kbit.=> You release the MP3 as is. It is NOT allowed to re-encode! Ifthe source is below 192 kbit CBR it's not allowed to release it.Release the MP3 unmodifed as you downloaded it. Onlyadding/changing ID3 tag is allowed.2. For ALL other sources (CD, Vinyl, DVD, etc.):You must use either:- LAME 3.97 (final version!) with preset V2 and VBRNEW("-V2 --vbr-new") or- LAME 3.90.3 (modified version preferred) with preset APS("--alt-preset standard").For both LAME versions additional switches which would affect themp3 quality are forbidden, especially no minimum or maximumbitrate limits.If you use LAME 3.90.3: preset must either be stored in mp3 header(= modified LAME version) or be part of info in your nfo file.(If you are going to change your encoder now then switch to 3.97.LAME 3.90.3 will be removed from this rule sooner or later)12. PromosIf a release is considered not to have every track from the source thenit must be labeled as a promo and can be duped by any legitimate retailrelease that DOES contain all tracks. The legitimate release can beidentified by the CAT number, or more suitable proof.Promos do not have to contain track listings, they are promotionalmaterial, they are not considered legitimate releases, and are stillgoverned by quality rules.If you release a promo when the retail is already out then you mustprovide proof that this promo is real to make sure this is not aselfmade "promo".to reduce amount of fakes:A one track promo single release must include cover scans/photos.13. Re-encodes are not allowed.Exception: releases of following sources are currently allowed if theyare tagged correctly:DVD, DAB, DTV/DVB/ISDB (compressed digital tv/radiosat,cable,terrestrial), MD (live)14. All bootleg releases must have the word BOOTLEG in dirnameA bootleg recording is a cd/vinyl/dvd that was not officially releasedby the person/company owning the rights to do that (for examplestreetmixes, pirate live cds, etc).Because very often it's not 100% clear if something is bootleg thereare conditions when we assume something is or isn't bootleg. This isnot a defnition of "bootleg" and if a condition is not true then itdoes not mean the opposite is true. This only helps nukers and groupsto decide if a bootleg tag is needed and hopefully leads to more fairnuking.conditions for:[records done completely by the artist] (no samples from other artists)It's bootleg if ...- there are no signs that the label really released this- the "label" has no connection to the artist(independent releases (no label, own label) are allowed and don'tneed a bootleg tag)even if the conditions above are true it is NOT bootleg if:- the record is available at at least 3 major retail shopsconditions for:[mixes] (samples of other artists included)It's not bootleg if ...- the record is available at at least 3 major retail shops- the label exists and lists the record and the label never releasedany bootlegs and released stuff that was available at major retailshops- the artist or label of the samples confirms this release is valid (ontheir webpage or some other trusted place)"major retail shops" currently are:www.amazon.com (.de, .fr ...)www.bestbuy.comwww.walmart.comwww.cduniverse.comwww.virginmegastores.co.uk (.gr, .fr, .jp) (US shop excluded)www.sonymusicstore.comwww.juno.co.ukwww.deejay.dewww.ukdancerecords.comwww.dancegrooves.comwww.threebeatrecords.co.ukwww.4djsonly.comThe shop itself must sell the record (no private sellers).15. FREE MP3sIf music in mp3 format in acceptable quality (CBR 192kbit minimum) orfiles in a lossless format (wav/flac/...) are legally available fordownload on the net at no cost (artist / record company allows it) thenit's NOT allowed to release those files or mp3s of the same tracks youmade from this or other sources (cd/vinyl/...).16. SOURCEThe tracks of a release must all be from the same source and have thesame quality/cbr-bitrate/vbr-setting. Taking tracks from other scenereleases or internal group releases of other groups is strictlyforbidden.If the source is not a pressed CDDA then the directory name needs avalid source tag. Valid tags are listed below.=RETAIL SOURCES=[CD SINGLE] (pressed)dirtag needed: -CDS- or -CDM-[CD ALBUM] (pressed)dirtag needed: nonedirtag suggested: -CDA- (-2CDA- -3CDA- etc.)[CD OTHER] (pressed)dirtag needed: nonedirtag suggested: -CD- (-2CD- -3CD- etc.), -CDEP-[VINYL SINGLE]dirtag needed: -VLS- or -VINYL-dirtag suggested: -VLS-[VINYL ALBUM]dirtag needed: -LP- or -VINYL-dirtag suggested: -LP-[VINYL OTHER]dirtag needed: -VINYL-[DVD] (pressed video DVD)dirtag needed: -DVD- (-2DVD- -3DVD- etc.)extra nfo info needed:- codec of source (AC3, PCM, MPG, DTS),- number of channels of source (stereo, 5.1, ...)[DVD SINGLE] (pressed video DVD)]dirtag needed: -DVDS- or -DVD-dirtag suggested: -DVDS-extra nfo info needed:- codec of source (AC3, PCM, MPG, DTS),- number of channels of source (stereo, 5.1, ...)[DVDA] (PCM data of a pressed DVDA, not audio of a video DVD!)dirtag needed: -DVDA- (-2DVDA- -3DVDA- etc.)- number of channels of source (stereo, 5.1, ...)[SACD]dirtag needed: -SACD- (-2SACD- -3SACD- etc.)=LIVE SOURCES=[ANALOG RADIO] (terrestrial)dirtag needed: -FM- or -RADIO-dirtag suggested: -FM-[ANALOG TV] (terrestrial)dirtag needed: -TV-[ANALOG SAT]dirtag needed: -SAT-[ANALOG CABLE]dirtag needed: -CABLE-[DIGITAL TV] (digital tv/radio)dirtag needed: -DTV-[DIGITAL VIDEO BROADCAST SAT]dirtag needed: -DTV- or -DVBS-dirtag suggested: -DVBS-[DIGITAL VIDEO BROADCAST CABLE]dirtag needed: -DTV- or -DVBC-dirtag suggested: -DVBC-[DIGITAL VIDEO BROADCAST TERRESTRIAL]dirtag needed: -DTV- or -DVBT-dirtag suggested: -DVBT-[DIGITAL AUDIO BROADCAST]dirtag needed: -DAB-Note: Because most of the "live" ripping crews are unable or unwilling toadd a correct source ALL live sources are handled like re-encodesquality-wise.=OTHER SOURCES=[WEB] - audio files legally available on the net and not freedirtag needed: -WEB-extra nfo info needed:- codec of source (MP3, PCM, ...),- bitrate of source file (if not PCM/WAV),- URL to some shop where it's available in that format[CDR] (small label/artist releasing on CDR)dirtag needed: -CDR- (-2CDR- -3CDR- etc.)[DVDR] (small label/artist releasing on DVDR)dirtag needed: -DVDR- (-2DVDR- -3DVDR- etc.)extra nfo info needed:- codec of source (AC3, PCM, MPG, DTS),- number of channels of source (stereo, 5.1, ...)[MD] (MiniDisc)dirtag needed: -MD-[DAT TAPE]dirtag needed: -DAT-[ANALOG TAPE]dirtag needed: -TAPE-[HOMEMADE] (done by a groupmember or close friend)dirtag needed: -HOMEMADE-[UNKNOWN]dirtag needed: -BOOTLEG-All other "sources" are invalid source tags (-LIVE- , -LINE- , -EP-,...). Which means you need a second tag for the source if you use thosetags (except for CDs which don't need a source tag).Additional to the source media the source of the recording is neededfor direct live recordings:-AUD- audience microphone-SBD- soundboard-BOOTLEG- [unknown]example tag: -AUD-DAT- -SBD-CDR- ... or in nfo: "Source: SBD->CDR"(if your pc was connected directly to the recording device then nosource media is needed of course)If the source media is digital and you used an analog device (eg.line-in) while converting the sound to mp3 then this must also bementioned in your nfo file.example: "SOURCE: SACD->ANALOG LINE->PC"17. TrackfixesOnly one trackfix per release is allowed. If the release needs a secondtrackfix or more than 50% of the tracks need a fix then you must re-ripthe whole release and all previous releases+dir/nfofixes getting nuked.A 1-track fix for a 2-track release is allowed (=50% and not "more than50%").18. ID3 TagsAll mp3 files need an ID3 v1.1 tag. This tag must include *correct*Artist, Title and Album. The fields Year, Genre and Tracknumber must bepresent but may not be nuked if incorrect.An additional ID3 v2 tag is allowed and recommended.Notes:1. Releases with an apparently incorrect year may not be nuked. Howeverthe year should be correct of course. Keep in mind that a lot of sitesnuke for fake year when it's incorrect. (The Year in dirname is not theyear when you released it but when the record company/artist publishedit!)2. If a release labeled as "advance" is identical to the retail versionthen the advance turns into a retail release. This means then it is notallowed to dupe it and it counts as retail for ALL rules. If the retailis different then of course it's allowed to release it.3. Typos (in dirname, trackname, id3, etc ...) are tolerated if it stillis readable and either artist or title is 100% correct.4. The audio of a normal video DVD is *NOT* DVDA ! The audio of a DVDusually is MP2/AC3/DTS compressed (lossy) while the audio of a realDVDA is high quality PCM (lossless, e.g. 24bit/192khz). Tagging anormal DVD release as -DVDA- will get nuked.change-log:2007-01-15 first version (v1.0)V1.0 active since 2007-01-15, signed by:1way AMRC BERC BF BLA BUTT CMG CMS dh DPS DRUM EGM EGO EMP ESC ESK FKK FTDFWYH gEm GRAVEWISH i8 iPC JAH KrbZ KzT mbs MOD nukenet OBC ONe PMS PULSEpyt RAGEMP3 rH RNS RpM RTB SAW SER SEVER sheepnet SiRiON TGX tronik uFUKi UPE wAx XXLhttp://rapidshare.com/files/21599781/mp3rul10.rar