Saptamana trecuta am cumparat cascavalul produs de ei GOUDA (citeste mai jos) in METRO. E super. Este unul adevarat olandez!!! Nu se aseamana cu cele facute la noi si se numesc de Olanda.---------------------------------------------------------------------------Stirea e veche ГОЛЛАНДСКИЙ СЫР МОЛДАВСКОГО ПРОИЗВОДСТВАВчера в селе Логофтень Фэлештского района состоялось открытие совместного молдавско-голландского предприятия по производству сыра. Учредителями сыродельного завода мощностью 1,5 тонны сыра в сутки выступило местное хозяйство "Логофэт Прим" и фирма "Gebr. W&G van den Heuvel" из Нидерландов.Как сообщил "ЛП" директор "Логофэт Прим" Василе Чиреш, инвестиции в новый завод составили 570 тыс. евро, из которых 250 тыс. вложил иностранный инвестор. Соответственно и акции совместного предприятия распределились в соответствии 51 и 49 процентов с контрольным пакетом у молдавского учредителя. Завод будет производить сыр Gouda по голландской технологии. Сырье будет поставляться с молочной фермы "Логофэт Прим" и закупаться у частных фермеров. Проект строительства сыродельного завода в Логофтень был реализован на основе Меморандума о взаимопонимании между правительствами Молдовы и Нидерландов. Голландское правительство оказало финансовую помощь в строительстве завода посредством агентства EVD в рамках программы кооперации со странами Восточной Европы. During the final week of October 2005, a new cheese plant was opened in Logoftin, Moldova. The cheese production unit had been realised in the framework of a PSO-project managed and co-ordinated by Agriment International. Logoftin is situated some 150 km northwest of Chisinau, Moldova’s capital city. Investment partners in the project are the Dutch company Van den Heuvel Dairy & Food Equipment BV, producer and worldwide supplier of equipment for the dairy sector, and Logofat Prim, a Moldovan dairy company established in Logoftin. Both companies are shareholder in a new Joint Venture, named Heuvelland, which will be responsible for the production and marketing of the cheese. The project started over two years ago, and has finally resulted in the construction of a new building and the installation of a complete line for the production of Gouda cheese. The cheese is produced according to original Dutch recipe. Several representatives from the Dutch and Moldovan government attended the festive opening ceremony, among which the Moldovan Vice-Minister of Agriculture and the Dutch Agricultural Counsellor of the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Kiev, Ukraine. By cutting a cheese by both Joint-Venture partners, the cheese plant was declared operational. Cutting the cheese by Govert van den Heuvel (l.) and Vasile Cires, shareholders in Heuvelland.As part of the PSO-project, not only a modern cheese production line has been realised in Logoftin, but also a climatised cheese storage as well as an own laboratory facility. Because of this, the cheese produced by Heuvelland meets the strictest quality and hygiene standards and is comparable to Gouda cheese produced in the Netherlands. It is expected that during the coming year, 80 tons of Gouda cheese will be marketed under own Heuvelland-label. Moreover, there seem to be good export possibilities to a.o. the Russian Federation.