Apple Executives to Preview Mac OS X “Leopard” at WWDC 2006 Keynote
CUPERTINO, California—June 26, 2006—Apple® today announced that CEO Steve Jobs will headline a team of Apple executives, including Philip Schiller, senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing; Bertrand Serlet, senior vice president of Software Engineering; and Scott Forstall, vice president of Platform Experience, to kick off the company’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) with a keynote preview of Mac OS® X “Leopard” on Monday, August 7, 2006, beginning at 10:00 a.m. at San Francisco’s Moscone West. Throughout WWDC, developers will receive detailed information and best practices on developing Universal applications that take advantage of the performance of Intel-based Macs, including special sessions on performance optimization using Apple software development tools.The five-day event, which runs from August 7 to August 11, will deliver more than 175 technical sessions and labs with new content designed to serve a wide range of Mac® developers, including tracks that preview Leopard and dozens of hands-on labs providing opportunities to work developer-to-developer with Apple engineers.Other activities at Apple’s WWDC 2006 include:presentation sessions led by engineers and experts delivering the technical information needed to take advantage of current technologies in Tiger, and get ready for what’s coming in Leopard;hands-on sessions that allow developers to bring their notebooks and get firsthand knowledge of Apple’s best practices for leveraging technologies like Spotlight™, Core Image, Xgrid™, Core Data, Quartz Composer and more;hands-on, technology specific labs where developers can work one-on-one with Apple engineers to solve problems and answer questions;extra focus on digital media, system administration, game development and scientific computing communities; andspecial events and activities including the opening night’s Apple Developer Connection Reception, Apple Design Awards, Stump the Experts and Late Night Labs.Cost & Registration The cost of the five-day conference is $1,595 (US) per attendee, with a $300 (US) Early Registration Discount that has been extended through July 7. Visit Apple’s WWDC website for registration and complete session details at Registration Members of the media and industry analysts will be invited to attend the keynote and can register by contacting Simon Pope at ignited the personal computer revolution in the 1970s with the Apple II and reinvented the personal computer in the 1980s with the Macintosh. Today, Apple continues to lead the industry in innovation with its award-winning desktop and notebook computers, OS X operating system, and iLife and professional applications. Apple is also spearheading the digital music revolution with its iPod portable music players and iTunes online music store.__________кто то едет ?
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о видео подкастах -
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2. боле-мене сносное ПК железо
3. и самое важное снимать что-нибудь ИНТЕРЕСНОЕ, я (и думаю большинство людей) не буду смотреть как какой-то поц будет говорить пол часа в микрофон! будь-то даже стив джобс.
я о том найдет-ли сие чудо себе широкое применение (video podcast) ?
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Видел и грюндик смотрит, у него весь iTunes ими забит.
НТВ новости смотрю так как редко попадаю к телевизору
Russian Podcasting: засунь его себе в ухо
качай и слушай!
По просьбам, восстанавливаю некоторые темы про iPod -ы:
Pod-насколько он необходим?
iPod nano !
iPod Video - или 5-е поколение
iPod video: Все самое интересное в вопросах и ответах
колонки-динамики для ipod
Все, что вы хотели знать про iTunes 6
iPod SW for Windows и нетолько (или как залезть на iPod?)
Web Магазин iTunes Music Store шагает по Миру.
Russian Apple Podcasting
iPhone 2006 (v2)
Тем вокруг iPod-ов и про iPod-ы накопилось много, я открыл лишь 11 из них, просьба ВСЕХ, кому эта тема интересна выссказываться в пользу продолжения той или иной темы - в самих темах, тем же кто недоволен - свои недовольства выссказывать в
дабы незасорять темы.
Спасибо за проявленное понимание.
Олег ты что с ума сошел ???