Java 1.5 JDK and JRE binaries for FreeBSD 5.4/i386 and 6.0/i386 are now available!

http://www.freebsdfoundation.org/downloads/java.shtmlThe FreeBSD Foundation has a license with Sun Microsystems to distribute FreeBSD binaries for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development Kit (JDK). These implementations have been made possible through the hard work of the FreeBSD Java team as well as through donations to the FreeBSD Foundation that supported hardware, developer costs, and legal fees.The official JRE and JDK binaries based on Sun's latest partner sources provide end-users and developers alike with confidence that they can use and create Java applications on FreeBSD with the same degree of portability, robustness and stability that they have come to expect from other supported operating systems. These binaries have been fully tested under Sun's compatibility test suite.