OSI Scholarships

Open Society Institute's Scholarship Programs are now acceptingapplications for the Global Supplementary Grant Program's 2006-2007academic year.The Scholarship Programs are pleased to offer supplementary grants tostudents from selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe and theformer Soviet Union. The purpose of the program is to enable qualifiedstudents to pursue doctoral studies in the humanities and socialsciences at accredited universities in Western Europe, Middle/NearEast, Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America. Grants will beawarded on the basis of academic record, merit of the proposed study,applicant's long-term goals, and financial need. The grants willprovide supplemental funding for one year of study with the option toapply for a second year. Reapplication procedures will be outlined inthe 2007/2008 application form. Renewal grants are limited to maximumof three years, will compete with the general pool of applicants andare not guaranteed. Only students who have been accepted into afull-time doctoral (Ph.D.) program at an accredited university areeligible to apply.Grants are provided to help cover costs in one of the followingcategories:Tuition and fees - not to exceed 50 percent of tuition and fees peracademic year;Living expenses - students who have succeeded in funding theirtuition, either through scholarships or tuition wavers, are eligiblefor housing and living funds;Other - students who have secured all necessary funds but cannotafford additional expenses, such as travel to/from their host country,books, materials, health insurance, etc., are eligible for additionalfunds.Grants will not be provided to cover expenses in all three categories.Only those students with confirmed financial support will receivegrants. In addition, in no case may an applicant request grantassistance for the support of: 1. accompanying child/ children orspouse; 2. federal and/ or state taxes; 3. computer hardware andsoftware or other equipment; 4. any expenses related to automobile.Eligibility1. Candidates must be nationals of one of the following countries:Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia,Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia,Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Serbia and Montenegro, Tajikistan,Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan;2. Members of the Roma community are encouraged to apply;3. Candidates must demonstrate proficiency in the spoken and writtenlanguage of their host institution;4. ONLY those students who have already been awarded partial or fulltuition, room and board stipends, or other types of financial aid mayapply.Applicants must provide the fullest possible account of their actualfinancial situation including copies of financial aid requests to theHost University and any other documents confirming additionalfinancial support. False statements will result in immediatedisqualification. The envelope containing an application for the2006/2007 academic year must be postmarked on or before:For students pursuing Ph.D. in North America, Asia, and Australia:April 1, 2006. For students pursuing Ph.D. in European Union andMiddle/Near East: June 1, 2006. Applications should be mailed to theaddress below (New York or to local Educational Advising Center):Global Supplementary Grant ProgramOpen Society Institute400 West 59th Street4th floor New York, NY 10019USAEmail: vjohnson@sorosny.orgPlease include any information you feel may be helpful in theevaluation of your application. Grantees will be required to maintainfull-time student status throughout the period of the fellowship andto abide by the terms and conditions outlined in a contact lettersigned by the grantee.Online application system is now available at:http://www.soros.org.grants/oasPlease go to the site, register and you can apply!
читатель13 Февраля 2007, 02:36
читатель13 Февраля 2007, 02:36
...Ma intereseaza anume dupa depunerea actelor la Ministerul...

Если скажешь что такое "Cazierul judiciar", то я смогу ответить на остальные вопросы.

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samaritа13 Февраля 2007, 02:42
samaritа13 Февраля 2007, 02:42

1 учреждение где выдают справку о несудимости

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читатель13 Февраля 2007, 12:16
читатель13 Февраля 2007, 12:16
...1 учреждение где выдают справку о несудимости...

Спасиб! :-*

...Ma intereseaza anume dupa depunerea actelor la Ministerul...

2ZV: "... in cit timp de fapt se elibereaza permisul de procurare? ..."
Мне сделали за 1 неделю, но мне помогал магазин, там набор справок, одну упустишь, будешь ждать ещё раз. До этого ты должен пройти курсы на Динамо! Получить там удостоверение о допуске к работе с оружием и уже потом всё остальное!

...Ma intereseaza anume dupa depunerea actelor la Ministerul...

2ZV: "... la depunerea actelor este nevoie si de Cazierul judiciar ..."
Да. А так же справка из Костюжен.

...Ma intereseaza anume dupa depunerea actelor la Ministerul...

2ZV: "... dupa primirea permisului ce se intimpla? cumpar arma si dupa? ..."
Идёшь в магазин. Покупаешь оружие. Они тебе даёт талончик. С этим талончиком идёшь в МВД, отстреливаешь его для картотеки, ждёшь пару деней, получаешь разрешение (картонку) на ношение.

Ты лучше пойди в магазин, они тебе всё расскажут бесплатно. Я знаю процедуру 2-х летней давности, а она за это время могла поменяться.

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2zv14 Февраля 2007, 16:43
2zv14 Февраля 2007, 16:43

ia novicioc.cacoi pistolet posovetuete mne priobresti.

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читатель14 Февраля 2007, 17:11
читатель14 Февраля 2007, 17:11
...ia novicioc.cacoi pistolet posovetuete mne priobresti....

Сколько денег?

Как часто собираешся стрелять?

Для чего вообще хочешь преобрести оружие? (для себя и своего спокойствия, для работы охранником или детективом, для спорта и т.д.)

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jorro114 Февраля 2007, 17:21
jorro114 Февраля 2007, 17:21
...ia novicioc.cacoi pistolet posovetuete mne priobresti....


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шуриk19 Февраля 2007, 13:21
шуриk19 Февраля 2007, 13:21
...Сколько денег? Как часто собираешся стрелять? Для чего...


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