Security Domain

Am un web serviciu (java/axis) care e protejat de securityDomain, daca apelez din java e totul fine adica in clasa Service sunt metodele la care se poate de dat user/pwd pentru autentificare.Acuma am probleme in .net cand fac referinta la Webserviciu merge tot normal imi apare casuta de introducere a parolei se genreaza clasele tot normal, dar cand dau sa apelez ceva functii din webserver nu imi da voie....Am creat un System.Net.ICredentials pe care i lam dat la Credentials lui dar nu vrea sa ma autorizeze.....Cine stie solutia ?I have some SLSB's which I've secured using JAAS. As a consequence of this, my webservices (WS4EE) are also secured and are no longer accessible from a "standard webservice client". Is it possible for my users to now access these Webservices using a non-JAAS enabled client (e.g. C#). Is this type of authentication a standard across webservices, or should I be using something other than JAAS. My primary reason for using Webservices is to provide interoperability between different clients. Thanks,