
On the 8th of Feb 2006 ICQ Inc. released a new software called ICQ- ComPad.http://labs.icq.com/compad/The statement there briefly states:“ICQ ComPad’s main goal is to provide an answer to the needs of users who simply wish to communicate.You can send instant messages to Email users, as well as ComPad, ICQ, AIM and AOL users.” Users from countries having the following phone codes are blocked from registering accounts for the alpha version of ICQ- ComPad:‘972?;’379?;’39?;’49?;’7?; ‘852?; ‘359?; ‘380?; ‘47?; ‘90?;’42?;’46?;’441?; ‘442?;’44?; ‘1?; ‘31?; ‘43?; ‘107?; ‘61?; ‘32?; ‘45?.So, you may just use proxies in order to register accounts.Registering a compad account automatically registers a corresponding uin.ICQ- ComPad uses MD5 login method.At http://labs.icq.com/compad/report_problem/ we may read that a Browser version of ComPad software is expected too. Download ICQ-ComPad:ftp://ftp.icq.com/pub/ICQ_Win95_98_NT4/compadorhttp://labs.icqcdn.com/compad/ UPDATE: ICQ-ComPad creates username@compad.com e-mail in the details of the ComPad ID.The Author of QIP noticed that you may log in many ICQ clients using that e-mail. It works as an e-mail associated to an uin. (c)http://atidim.iseekyou.ru/?p=29 Ссылки по теме: Обсуждение на форумах icq.com http://www.icq.com/boards/view_messages.php?tid=30317&topic_id=775150 Скачать альфа клиент ftp://ftp.icq.com/pub/ICQ_Win95_98_NT4/compadhttp://labs.icqcdn.com/compad/