
OSCE - InternshipsApplication deadline: three months before the envisaged period ofinternship The OSCE offers a limited number of places for interns which arefilled subject to current needs and facilities of various Departments.The internship usually lasts between two and six months. An internshipdoes not constitute a commitment to future employment with the OSCE.Currently, the OSCE is not in a position to provide financialassistance to the selected interns.Interns can support the work of the following institutions:- Office of the Secretary General (Vienna): Press and PublicInformation, Legal Services, Internal Oversight, External Co-operationSection, Gender Issues- Anti-Trafficking Asisstance Unit (ATAU) - Strategic Police Matters Unit (SPMU) - Action Against Terrorism Unit (ATU) - Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and EnvironmentalActivities (OCEEA)- Conflict Prevention Centre (CPC) - Department of Management and Finance (DMF) - Department of Human Resources (DHR) - The OSCE Documentation Centre (Prague) - Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) (Warsaw) - High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) (The Hague) and of the following field operations:- OSCE Presence in Albania - OSCE Office in Yerevan, Armenia - OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina - OSCE Mission to Croatia - OSCE Mission in Kosovo - OSCE Mission to Moldova (interns require working knowledge of eitherRussian or Romanian)- OSCE Mission to Serbia and Montenegro - OSCE Project in Ukraine. Requirements- Students in the final year of higher education (university or otheraccredited institution) at graduate or postgraduate level; or recentgraduates or postgraduates, i.e. within one year of graduation.- The upper age limit for applicants is 30 years.- Applicants should have a working knowledge of English, both oral andwritten and computer literacy.- In addition to these minimal requirements, missions may haveadditional requirements, listed in brackets after the mission nameabove.How to applyTo apply, please download the internship application form, completeit, write a short essay explaining your motivation and send these bypost, fax or e-mail to the institution or mission where you wish toapply for the internship. You can add a CV, but no other documents. Werecommend that applications be sent well in advance (at least 3months) before the envisaged period of internship.More informationWebsite: http://www.osce.org/employment/13111.html