G5 vs CoreDuo

StartupiMac Core Duo/2GHz0:25iMac G5/2.1GHz0:46Times as fast1.84xiMovie 6.0 (B&W effect)iMac Core Duo/2GHz1:45iMac G5/2.1GHz3:11Times as fast1.82xiMovie 6.0 (Aged effect)iMac Core Duo/2GHz1:12iMac G5/2.1GHz1:12Times as fast1xiMovie 6.0 (Rain effect)iMac Core Duo/2GHz2:05iMac G5/2.1GHz2:43Times as fast1.3xiPhoto (import)iMac Core Duo/2GHz0:53iMac G5/2.1GHz1:22Times as fast1.55xiPhoto (export to QuickTime)iMac Core Duo/2GHz1:08iMac G5/2.1GHz1:31Times as fast1.34xiPhoto (export to Web)iMac Core Duo/2GHz2:01iMac G5/2.1GHz2:12Times as fast1.09xiPhoto (export to files)iMac Core Duo/2GHz2:55iMac G5/2.1GHz2:40Times as fast.91xCreate Zip archiveiMac Core Duo/2GHz2:32iMac G5/2.1GHz2:53Times as fast1.14xiTunes 6.0.2iMac Core Duo/2GHz1:14iMac G5/2.1GHz1:23Times as fast1.12xiDVD 6iMac Core Duo/2GHz13:55iMac G5/2.1GHz15:33Times as fast1.12xiSquint 1.1iMac Core Duo/2GHz8:25iMac G5/2.1GHz9:07Times as fast1.08xBBEditiMac Core Duo/2GHz1:37iMac G5/2.1GHz2:02Times as fast1.26xAll scores are in minutes:seconds. All systems were running Mac OS X 10.4.4 with 512MB of RAM, with G5’s processor performance set to Highest in the Energy Saver preference pane. Using iMovie, we applied 3 different video effects to a 1-minute movie, one at at a time. Next, we imported 100 JPEG photos into iPhoto and then exported them as a QuickTime movie, as a Web page, and as files, resized to be not more than 2,000-by-1,500 pixels. We created a Zip archive from a 1GB folder. We converted 45 minutes of AAC audio files to MP3 using iTunes’ High Quality setting. We saved an iDVD project containing a 6-minute, 46-second movie as a disk image. We used iSquint to compress the same movie for iPod video playback. We used BBEdit to run a Text Factory containing five editing, replacement, and sorting tasks on a 75.1 MB text file.—Macworld Lab testing by James Galbraith and Jerry Junghttp://www.macworld.com/2006/01/features/imaclabtest1/index.php