Banking in Moldova - inetresant :) think this is going to be a reoccurring theme in my entries here,but the banking system in this country is out of control. I justspent 1.5 hours waiting my turn outside of the bank, while one personat a time was allowed into the single room office where the bank"official" works. When I finally reached the counter and asked withall my necessary documents for 1000 lei (about $75), he held up 50lei ($4) and said that was all they had in the bank now. Dammit!Couldn't they have put up a sign that said "We're out of money."[And in case you were wondering what all the other people were doingsince being told "We're out of money" doesn't take all that long andshouldn't have resulted in my 90-minute wait, they were paying gasand electric bills. You bring your bills to the bank - and probablyyour own money that you keep beneath your mattress - and pay thebills that way. There are no checking accounts.]The odd thing is, the banks in the capital are run fairly well,complete with ATMs and tellers that in my experience always haveaccess to money. Yet step outside of the few Moldovan cities andinto a village and you step into another financial world.It's no wonder people don't put their money in the bank or are afraidto invest - there's a very real possibility, or more likely aprobability, that they won't be able to cash out when they want.There are families that don't use banks at all and simply hide moneyin secret spots throughout their homes. I don't blame them. In factI've tried to emulate them, using only the ATMs in the capital citywhen I happen to be there and avoiding my local bank completely.I've been told that the bank should have money tomorrow. Guess I'lltry again... early.
Cu oricare banca (vorbesc de vre-o filiala parapadita prin provincie) se pot intampla zile fara numerar... Chiar si cu bancile din Europa de Vest.
Asa ceva e mult mai putin probabil in tarile dezvoltate asa cum e bine dezvoltat sistemul platilor in bani electronici. Si la noi degraba vor veni zile bune...
Cred ca in 10 ani toti vor avea carduri bancare... Atunci (peste 10 ani) de tine vor rade ca mergi la banca sa scoti numerar cum acum rad la farmacie cand vrei sa cumperi tigari... ;-)
Bani electronici iata un site unde este multa informatie despre bani electronici sisteme de plati electronice ca MiliCent E-gold WebMoney e.t.c
Da interesant afftorul nu ishi da seama ca se afla intro tzara din lumea a treia, shi unde valuta poate sa se devalveze brusk in orice zi, multzi prefera sa nu faca nici un fel de operatzii, a fost asha o perioada nu demult.
El printre altele nushi da seama ca se afla intro tzara ex-ussr, unde omul tot timpul nu a avut nici o valoare, unde service-ul ca definitzie nu exista.
Karoce afftor - vypei iadu nnah
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