Deep Exploration

RightHemisphere DeepExploration (Бывший 3D Exploration)http://www.righthemisphere.com/products/dexp/ Отличный viewer 3D моделей. Программа вне конкуренции. (Альтернативные продукты MooTools 3D Browser + Alteros 3D)Deep Exploration FeaturesSearch your computer, network and the Internet for files by application or format Load and view, including thumbnails, almost any 2D and 3D file format including3ds max, Maya, LightWave, SOFTIMAGE 3D, SOFTIMAGE|XSI and Photoshop Translate between 2D and 3D file formats and scenes with animation Modify and save 3D file attributes such as UV maps, textures and geometry transformations Publish 3D content for Web-based presentations Create and edit key frame animation of 3D models for compelling presentations Grouping and hierarchy tools to easily manage complex models Clipping plane to create dynamic cross sections to better understand 3D models Full screen mode operation Launch applications from within Deep Exploration Camera, softbody and inverse kinematics, skin and bones translation Control texture and reflection maps including levels High quality ray tracing output with shadows and reflection Slide shows in 2D and 3D Multiple rendering modes including solid, points, wire frame, transparent View files contained in .ZIP and .RAR archives without unpacking Merge multiple 3D files for viewing Modules available for motion capture, CAD and Web-publishing Complete feature descriptions are available within the Deep Exploration demonstration version Help menuCкачать (18 мб):http://ввв.righthemisphere.com/products/dexp/downloads/deepexploration.exeКейген:http://rapidshare.de/files/5679401/pdxrhdxa.zip.html