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Hello everyone,Yesterday, Google announced their first Summer of Code program. Thisinnovative and generous program provides $4,500 stipends to each of200 university students to create or enhance open source softwareduring their summer break. I am pleased to announce that Nmap is oneof 40 open source projects that Google selected for this program. Wewould be pleased to work with one or more students to extend the powerof Nmap. You get paid, gain valuable experience and a great resumebooster, while the Nmap project and users benefit from your valuablecontributions.You have until June 14 to apply if you are interested, though yourchances may be better if you apply sooner. If you do fill out theapplication, please also send me the project description and a briefbio describing how your experience fits the project. Also let me knowwhat school you attend. I have written up some project ideas, thoughyou are free to submit whatever cool idea your heart desires.Here are the relevant URLs:Nmap Project Ideas: http://www.insecure.org/nmap/GoogleGrants.htmlGoogle's Summer of Code Page: http://code.google.com/summerofcode.htmlParticipant FAQ: http://code.google.com/summfaq.htmlApplication Form: http://code.google.com/soc_application.htmlGood luck!-Fyodor