UN Programs

43rd Geneva Graduate Study Programme, 2005"The United Nations at sixty: the road ahead "Each year, as part of the educational activities undertaken by theUnited Nations, the Information Service at Geneva organizes a GraduateStudy Programme. This seminar provides an opportunity for outstandingyoung postgraduates from all over the world to deepen theirunderstanding of the principles, purposes and activities of the UnitedNations and its related agencies through first hand observation andstudy at the United Nations Office at Geneva.The 43rd Graduate Study Programme will be held at the Palais desNations from Monday 4 July to Friday 22 July 2005. It will compriselectures by senior members of the United Nations and other relatedagencies. Participants will form working groups to study issuesrelated to human rights, development, environment and humanitarianaffairs under the guidance of United Nations experts. At the end ofthe Study Programme, they will present a common document. Participantswill be provided with selected documents and publications on thethemes under discussion. Please note that the Programme will beconducted in English and French without interpretation.The graduate students invited to attend this Study Programme will beselected on the basis of their scholastic experience and motivation,with due regard to equitable geographical distribution. Candidatesmust be between 23-35 years of age.Graduates interested in the 2005 Graduate Study Programme must submittheir application before the deadline date of 15 April 2005.Application forms can be obtained from the nearest United NationsOffice.-----------------------------------------------------------------The completed forms, accompanied by a recommendation (in English orFrench) from a university or governmental authority and onephotograph, should be forwarded to the United Nations Office servingthe country (viz. a UN Information Centre (UNIC) or a UN DevelopmentProgramme (UNDP) Office), or directly to the United Nations Office atGeneva, Information Service, Press and External Relations Section,Room C.319, Palais des Nations, CH 1211 Geneva 10. Candidates, whomust be fluent in English and have a good understanding of French,will be notified of the Selection Committee's decision by the end ofMay 2005. The programme itself is free, and the United Nations makesno financial contribution either to the travel costs or residentialexpenses of participants. Governments or universities may, however, bein a position to offer grants. Candidates should seek advice fromtheir universities on this point. Please find attached the application form for the Graduate Study Programme 2005.Any inquiries related to the programme should be addressed to:Graduate Study ProgrammeInformation ServiceRoom C.319, U.N. Office at GenevaPalais des Nations1211 Geneva 10SWITZERLANDTelephone(0041 22) 917 2317Telefax(0041 22) 917 0165email: pbannerjee@unog.ch