FreeBSD 10 Year Anniversary Party (San Francisco)

FreeBSD 10 Year Anniversary Party (San Francisco) : Viva FreeBSD! (Murray Stokely)A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...in the early part of1993...the last 3 coordinators of the 'Unofficial 386BSD Patchkit'would go on to start the FreeBSD project that has grown to be used bymillions of websites and installations around the world.Of course, I'm talking about Jordan Hubbard, Nate Williams, and RodGrimes. Looking for a catchy name, David Greenman suggested FreeBSDand it stuck. With the help of Walnut Creek CDROM, the first CDROMdistribution, FreeBSD 1.0, was released in December of 1993.In honor of these momentous events, we invite you to join us for anevening of celebrating FreeBSD! We'll dance and party the night awaywith our laptops nearby (and on the DNA Lounge wireless network, ofcourse). Maybe we can talk Jordan into sharing a few stories of theearly days...and buy him a drink or two. FreeBSD Mall will have some4.9 CD's and the coveted FreeBSD boxer shorts ;)When: Monday, November 24th (8pm - 2am)Where: DNA Lounge in San Francisco (http://www.dnalounge.com)Who: Any and all FreeBSD developers, system administrators, andadvocatesPlease RSVP at http://www.offmyserver.com/cgi-bin/store/rsvp.html oruse the banner on the front of http://www.freebsdmall.com so we canmake sure there's enough food and drink for all.- Murray Stokely & Matt OlanderP.S. We'll be webcasting live for those who can't make it. Hope to see you there.