The NetBSD Project celebrates its 10th anniversary!

The NetBSD Project celebrates its 10th anniversary!The Internet, March 21 -- This week marks the tenth anniversary of thebeginning of development of the NetBSD Operating System, one of theoldest actively maintained, freely-available operating systems.NetBSD runs on everything from embedded systems to desktopworkstations, from handhelds to big-iron servers, and is developed bythe NetBSD Project (http://www.netbsd.org/), one of the first OpenSource projects.The first commits were made to the NetBSD source code repository onMarch 21, 1993, and the first release of the NetBSD Operating System,NetBSD 0.8, was announced on USENET shortly thereafter. Throughoutthe past ten years, NetBSD has increased the portability and securityof the 4BSD operating system on which NetBSD was based, and addedsupport for new processor and system families, while enhancing thesystem's performance. Following NetBSD 0.8, eight major and numerousmaintenance releases of NetBSD have been produced, and NetBSD hasbecome known as the most portable operating system in the world.NetBSD 1.6, the latest release, includes support for most majorcurrent processor architectures, including x86, Alpha, SPARC, ARM,M68K, MIPS, PowerPC, and SH, as well as several legacy processorarchitectures. It supports 39 different system architectures.The next major release, NetBSD 2.0, will continue the tradition of thelast ten years by providing additional features and hardware supportwhile maintaining the stability and performance that users have cometo expect from NetBSD. NetBSD 2.0 will include support for x86-64processors and will provide native threads based on SchedulerActivations. It will support over fifty system architectures,including support for symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) on x86, Alpha,and SPARC systems, on PowerPC-based Macintoshes, and even on VAXen.Code from NetBSD has been included in countless other projects, OpenSource and otherwise. It has been used in research and education aswell as in commercial products. Literally thousands of third-partyapplications have been made available for use under NetBSD through theuse of ``pkgsrc,'' the NetBSD Packages Collection. Keeping withNetBSD's goal of portability, pkgsrc also supports several otheroperating systems, thereby allowing consistent installation andmanagement of third-party software across multiple platforms.In honor of the momentous event of NetBSD's 10th birthday, many of thenearly 200 active NetBSD developers are holding public regionalgatherings to celebrate with fellow developers, NetBSD users, andinterested members of the public.Details of these celebrations can be found at: http://www.NetBSD.org/gallery/events/If you are holding a NetBSD birthday party and wish to list itsdetails on that site, please email www@NetBSD.org with the details (ina format similar to the other entries on that page).For more information on the NetBSD Project, please visit the NetBSDProject home page at http://www.NetBSD.org/ or contact www@NetBSD.org.In addition, selected links to more information are provided below.NetBSD Project home page: http://www.NetBSD.org/The NetBSD 1.6 release: http://www.NetBSD.org/Releases/formal-1.6/NetBSD-1.6.htmlpkgsrc, the NetBSD Packages Collection: http://www.NetBSD.org/Documentation/software/packages.htmlPlatforms supported by NetBSD: http://www.NetBSD.org/Ports/Products and projects using NetBSD: http://www.NetBSD.org/gallery/products.html http://www.NetBSD.org/gallery/research.htmlThe first commit, and the NetBSD 0.8 release announcement: http://cvsweb.NetBSD.org/bsdweb.cgi/src/Makefile ftp://ftp.NetBSD.org/pub/NetBSD/misc/release/NetBSD/NetBSD-0.8NetBSD release history and the BSD family tree: http://www.NetBSD.org/Misc/history.html http://cvsweb.NetBSD.org/bsdweb.cgi/src/share/misc/bsd-family-t``NetBSD'' and ``pkgsrc'' are trademarks of The NetBSD Foundation,Inc. AllThe NetBSD Project celebrates its 10th anniversary!The Internet, March 21 -- This week marks the tenth anniversary of thebeginning of development of the NetBSD Operating System, one of theoldest actively maintained, freely-available operating systems.NetBSD runs on everything from embedded systems to desktopworkstations, from handhelds to big-iron servers, and is developed bythe NetBSD Project (http://www.netbsd.org/), one of the first OpenSource projects.The first commits were made to the NetBSD source code repository onMarch 21, 1993, and the first release of the NetBSD Operating System,NetBSD 0.8, was announced on USENET shortly thereafter. Throughoutthe past ten years, NetBSD has increased the portability and securityof the 4BSD operating system on which NetBSD was based, and addedsupport for new processor and system families, while enhancing thesystem's performance. Following NetBSD 0.8, eight major and numerousmaintenance releases of NetBSD have been produced, and NetBSD hasbecome known as the most portable operating system in the world.NetBSD 1.6, the latest release, includes support for most majorcurrent processor architectures, including x86, Alpha, SPARC, ARM,M68K, MIPS, PowerPC, and SH, as well as several legacy processorarchitectures. It supports 39 different system architectures.The next major release, NetBSD 2.0, will continue the tradition of thelast ten years by providing additional features and hardware supportwhile maintaining the stability and performance that users have cometo expect from NetBSD. NetBSD 2.0 will include support for x86-64processors and will provide native threads based on SchedulerActivations. It will support over fifty system architectures,including support for symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) on x86, Alpha,and SPARC systems, on PowerPC-based Macintoshes, and even on VAXen.Code from NetBSD has been included in countless other projects, OpenSource and otherwise. It has been used in research and education aswell as in commercial products. Literally thousands of third-partyapplications have been made available for use under NetBSD through theuse of ``pkgsrc,'' the NetBSD Packages Collection. Keeping withNetBSD's goal of portability, pkgsrc also supports several otheroperating systems, thereby allowing consistent installation andmanagement of third-party software across multiple platforms.In honor of the momentous event of NetBSD's 10th birthday, many of thenearly 200 active NetBSD developers are holding public regionalgatherings to celebrate with fellow developers, NetBSD users, andinterested members of the public.Details of these celebrations can be found at: http://www.NetBSD.org/gallery/events/If you are holding a NetBSD birthday party and wish to list itsdetails on that site, please email www@NetBSD.org with the details (ina format similar to the other entries on that page).For more information on the NetBSD Project, please visit the NetBSDProject home page at http://www.NetBSD.org/ or contact www@NetBSD.org.In addition, selected links to more information are provided below.NetBSD Project home page: http://www.NetBSD.org/The NetBSD 1.6 release: http://www.NetBSD.org/Releases/formal-1.6/NetBSD-1.6.htmlpkgsrc, the NetBSD Packages Collection: http://www.NetBSD.org/Documentation/software/packages.htmlPlatforms supported by NetBSD: http://www.NetBSD.org/Ports/Products and projects using NetBSD: http://www.NetBSD.org/gallery/products.html http://www.NetBSD.org/gallery/research.htmlThe first commit, and the NetBSD 0.8 release announcement: http://cvsweb.NetBSD.org/bsdweb.cgi/src/Makefile ftp://ftp.NetBSD.org/pub/NetBSD/misc/release/NetBSD/NetBSD-0.8NetBSD release history and the BSD family tree: http://www.NetBSD.org/Misc/history.html http://cvsweb.NetBSD.org/bsdweb.cgi/src/share/misc/bsd-family-t``NetBSD'' and ``pkgsrc'' are trademarks of The NetBSD Foundation,Inc. All