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cr0n0s24 Марта 2003, 19:01
cr0n0s24 Марта 2003, 19:01

In Einstein's theory of relativity the observer is a man who sets out in questof truth armed with a measuring-rod. In quantum theory he sets out with asieve. -- Sir Arthur Eddington

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cr0n0s25 Марта 2003, 01:19
cr0n0s25 Марта 2003, 01:19

In Einstein's theory of relativity the observer is a man who sets out in questof truth armed with a measuring-rod. In quantum theory he sets out with asieve. -- Sir Arthur Eddington

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cr0n0s26 Марта 2003, 01:43
cr0n0s26 Марта 2003, 01:43

It is unnecessary to understand electromagnetic theory before wiring a lamp orto study physics in order to repair a pump. We count on our fingers and give noheed to the proliferating implications of the act. -- James R. Newman

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