... don't waste too much effort in searching for conspiracies. Most of the harmdone in the world is out of stupidity, not by design. Be on the watch forskulduggery... but don't fall into the trap of thinking that every evil thingthat occurs in the world in part of some diabolic master plan. The notion thatwhatever is wrong with the world can be blamed on somebody (never, of course,one's self) is a rather infantile carryover from the childhood days when ourparents were thought to be all-powerful and therefore all-responsible. -- Gerard K. O'Neill, _2081_
... don't waste too much effort in searching for conspiracies. Most of the harmdone in the world is out of stupidity, not by design. Be on the watch forskulduggery... but don't fall into the trap of thinking that every evil thingthat occurs in the world in part of some diabolic master plan. The notion thatwhatever is wrong with the world can be blamed on somebody (never, of course,one's self) is a rather infantile carryover from the childhood days when ourparents were thought to be all-powerful and therefore all-responsible. -- Gerard K. O'Neill, _2081_
Ну ладно, начальная цена 35 леи
Bine -pretul scade pina la 25 de lei!!!
Лже-Владиска ты сколько еще будешт страдать? Займись делом. От такого тупого обсирания ты умней не станешь. Хотя может тебе и не надо
Vladys, pretul meu 10 lei...
Vrei banii?
Vit, ne otgonyaei klientov...
За жопу владиса - 15 лей\1 кг !
Котлеты хоть себе на завтрак замучу.
Да мне и даром такого не нужно.
Да и такой отстой в Макдональдсе ужинать...
... don't waste too much effort in searching for conspiracies. Most of the harmdone in the world is out of stupidity, not by design. Be on the watch forskulduggery... but don't fall into the trap of thinking that every evil thingthat occurs in the world in part of some diabolic master plan. The notion thatwhatever is wrong with the world can be blamed on somebody (never, of course,one's self) is a rather infantile carryover from the childhood days when ourparents were thought to be all-powerful and therefore all-responsible. -- Gerard K. O'Neill, _2081_
... don't waste too much effort in searching for conspiracies. Most of the harmdone in the world is out of stupidity, not by design. Be on the watch forskulduggery... but don't fall into the trap of thinking that every evil thingthat occurs in the world in part of some diabolic master plan. The notion thatwhatever is wrong with the world can be blamed on somebody (never, of course,one's self) is a rather infantile carryover from the childhood days when ourparents were thought to be all-powerful and therefore all-responsible. -- Gerard K. O'Neill, _2081_
попа-то женская?
а чистая ?
а целюлитная ?