Raymond mill working principle achieved new breakthroughs in technology

In recent years, the use of fly ash, lime and other materials to build into the airport and port road pavement, pavement base has been very popular, and have achieved great success. This is an important technology for Raymond mill working principle utilization of fly ash, so that the value of fly ash utilization and on a higher level. Characteristics of fly ash lime base is a hydraulic and coagulation, its strength can be increased during the spirit at certain temperature, which has good plate body and the distribution of load capacity.

Other materials mixed with fly ash, lime mixture class, called the lime fly-ash mixture containing the material. In the use of grinding powder processing machine ash, can be mixed with the soil, gravel and other materials, then the mixture of fly ash lime or lime fly-ash gravel.

Milling machine processing of fly ash used as roadbed filler, fly ash 4%-6% cement or lime mixed filler 10%-12%, can be used for the trench and roadbed filler, strength to meet the requirement of fly ash not on the environment, especially water pollution, its strength is very high. Stone as a fly ash limestone mixture of coarse aggregate, can improve the early strength of pavement. Especially when the lime, fly ash has not been completely harden, acting as a framework in the mixture, it is very important for early input traffic roads. When the lime, fly ash and hard strength, and lime, fly ash blended into one and become very high strength plate.

Fly ash processing reuse, prompting further technical reform of industrial mill, and in the mill has achieved new breakthroughs in technology, outside the new European version of ladder mill out alternative, and now according to the market demand, launched a large-scale vertical milling machine. The vertical mill can realize one-time superfine grinding processing of fly ash, after grinding processing of fly ash, particle size uniformity, surface activity increase, directly adding can save a lot in concrete